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Messages - Apher

I have the same need/requirements, and I also couldn't find a solution. I will also keep using my server as the exit node until this functionality is added.

In case it's helpful, I set up tailscale using the new plugin with the following steps.

1. Install the plugin in OpnSense using System > Firmware > Plugins > os-tailscale
2. Generate Log in to Tailscale on another machine and generate an auth key. Enter that auth key in OpnSense using VPN > Tailscale > Authentication >  Pre-authentication Key.
3. Enable Tailscale in OpnSense using VPN > Tailscale > Settings > Enable.
4. If desired, enable exit node in OpnSense using VPN > Tailscale > Settings > Advertise Exit Node
5. If desired, enable subnet routing such as VPN > Tailscale > Settings > Advertised Routes > Add