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Messages - Apher

Thanks. That makes sense. I'm a bit new to networking so this is the first time I've had a NIC hardware failure. Is there anything I can/should do to reduce the risk of NIC failures in the future? Is there anything I might have done that caused the failure?
I noticed an issue with my interfaces after upgrading from 25.1 (with 25.1-df kernel) to 25.1.1. Before updating, I was using the first 3 ports, interface igc0 (WAN), igc1 (Wifi), and igc2 (servers), with igc3 not used. After updating and rebooting, some my ports were switched around and one of my ports no longer works. After I discovered this, I reverted back to my pre-update ZFS snapshot and the ports are still messed up (new order) with one port not working. Do you have any idea what may have caused it or how to fix it?

Before updating

| Physical Port | Software label | VLAN/use |
| ------------- | -------------- | --------- |
| 0 | igc0 | WAN |
| 1 | igc1 | WiFi |
| 2 | igc2 | servers |
| 3 | igc3 | not used |

After updating

| Physical Port | Software label | VLAN/use |
| ------------- | -------------- | --------- |
| 0 | igc0 | WAN |
| 1 | N/A | Not functional |
| 2 | igc1 | WiFi |
| 3 | igc2  | servers |

igc3 shows as disconnected in software
I have the same need/requirements, and I also couldn't find a solution. I will also keep using my server as the exit node until this functionality is added.

In case it's helpful, I set up tailscale using the new plugin with the following steps.

1. Install the plugin in OpnSense using System > Firmware > Plugins > os-tailscale
2. Generate Log in to Tailscale on another machine and generate an auth key. Enter that auth key in OpnSense using VPN > Tailscale > Authentication >  Pre-authentication Key.
3. Enable Tailscale in OpnSense using VPN > Tailscale > Settings > Enable.
4. If desired, enable exit node in OpnSense using VPN > Tailscale > Settings > Advertise Exit Node
5. If desired, enable subnet routing such as VPN > Tailscale > Settings > Advertised Routes > Add