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Messages - timdjordan

Hardware and Performance / Re: DEC740 SFP Issues
December 11, 2024, 12:29:16 AM
I am currently in the process of getting rid of ubiquiti stuff so I need it untagged as well.
However my point was more that if I move the lan connection to igc2 then it survives a reboot. However if the lan is on AX0/1 then the network doesn't come up
General Discussion / zoneedit dynamic dns
December 10, 2024, 04:30:22 AM
when I use the dynamic dns package it seems that zoneedit is missing from the configuration dropdown, however it is supported by the ddclient package.
I ended up editing /usr/local/etc/ddclient.conf and setting up the configuration manually but is this expected?


Hardware and Performance / DEC740 SFP Issues
December 10, 2024, 02:15:50 AM
I recently bought a DEC740
It has 3 2.5G ethernet ports (igc0-2) and 2 10G SFP ports (ax0/1)
I have configured my WAN on ax0 and my lan on ax1
I have created vlan 161 on ax1
I have a DHCP scope on ax1 and ax1_vlan161
When I reboot I do not get any DHCP and cannot even use the network with a static IP.

If I configure an igc interface for the LAN then everything seems to work as normal.

Any ideas as I wanted to use a 10GB connection to my switch using an SFP and this is limiting me to 1GB