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Messages - Iulian

I had the same problem doing that for the first time, what you need to do its going to the firewall->rules->your vlan interface, mine its called OPT1

There you need to make 2 rules, one to have internet access and another one to block acces to your lan(if u want that)

so press the + button and for the 1st rule
*action - block
*interface - your vlan (OTP1)
*source - your vlan net (OPT1 net)
*destination - LAN net
*description - Block lan access
*press save

2nd rule
*action - pass
*interface - your vlan (OTP1)
*source - your vlan net (OPT1 net)
*description - Allow internet
*press save

Now you need to make sure that the block lan access rule its first and the allow internet rule its under if not check the allow internet rule and press the move selected rule to the end button "<-" and after that press apply changes

should look like in the attached picture

i hope this helps