OPNBorg is a tool to help you to manage, (central-) backup, monitor, ... a complete opnsense cluster.
You can use it with only one opnsense instance, but the main target is to orchestrate a complete opnsense zoo:
In case you use nixos as opnborg hosting plattform it helps you with all the prometheus monitoring and cool grafana dashboards, but any os with a native golang compiler or a simple ready-to-use docker will do the all the basic trick as well.
You can use it with only one opnsense instance, but the main target is to orchestrate a complete opnsense zoo:
In case you use nixos as opnborg hosting plattform it helps you with all the prometheus monitoring and cool grafana dashboards, but any os with a native golang compiler or a simple ready-to-use docker will do the all the basic trick as well.