[TOOL] OPNBORG (Monitoring, Audit, Configuration, Log, ...)

Started by paepcke, October 13, 2024, 11:25:23 AM

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Hello OPNSense Friends,
in case you have to herd more than one OPNSense Appliance you may enjoy this little self-hosted OPN Management Portal (WIP Phase). Its Free, Transparent, OpenSource, will always be BSD-Licensed and is intentionally complementary (and not overlapping!) to OPNCentral. 



Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to get this working, since you don't provide much info on how to deploy it.

Yes, you provide a way of installing it but nothing more, such as:
- which distros can be used?
- Which is the best approach, a bare metal system, or can it be deployed on a running system with docker, for instance?

Can you be more informative about this?



you can download the packages direkt from the github.com release page now.


Just pick your Operating System and Hardware Plattform.,
Github will from now on automatically build all binaries for
every release.

Native Integration for NixOS - including nixpkgs, and declarative
setup of prometheus, grafana dashbords is already in review,
FreeBSD Ports / pkgs will follow, Docker container and other
Linux Distros may follow.

Quote from: jasgg on October 19, 2024, 07:03:57 PM
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to get this working, since you don't provide much info on how to deploy it.

Or what it is and does.

OPNBorg is a tool to help you to manage, (central-) backup, monitor, ... a complete opnsense cluster.

You can use it with only one opnsense instance, but the main target is to orchestrate a complete opnsense zoo:


In case you use nixos as opnborg hosting plattform it helps you with all the prometheus monitoring and cool grafana dashboards, but any os with a native golang compiler or a simple ready-to-use docker will do the all the basic trick as well.