General Discussion / Possibility Autologin by IP address as in KERIO CONTROL
« on: September 05, 2024, 08:36:05 pm »
I am new to OPNSense.
My goal is to use OPNsense as I used KERIO CONTROL before:
1. Fix IP addresses following MAC address in DHCP
2. Block MAC addresses not registered in DHCP
3. An IP address must be assigned to a user
4. A user can have multiple IP addresses
5. Once the IP address is connected, we must see the corresponding user
5. Statistics must be displayed per user
Is it possible with OPNsense
I am new to OPNSense.
My goal is to use OPNsense as I used KERIO CONTROL before:
1. Fix IP addresses following MAC address in DHCP
2. Block MAC addresses not registered in DHCP
3. An IP address must be assigned to a user
4. A user can have multiple IP addresses
5. Once the IP address is connected, we must see the corresponding user
5. Statistics must be displayed per user
Is it possible with OPNsense