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Messages - pigbait

The reason for the WiFi router before the opnsense box is to have a wired/wireless non-vpn network, then have the opnsense box handle VPN afterwards. I'll try like you said to setup opnsense from the modem then go back from there.

Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

Thanks for the reply franco, I'll draw up a diagram this weekend with a better explanation.

Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk


Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

first of thanks to the developers for all your hard work on OPNsense.

My question is today is regarding setting up an unusual network configuration.

I'm quite new to all this and have read hours on hours of information but some terms are still a bit over my head, so anyhow let me get going on what I'm looking for.

I have a firebox x750e its setup and running OPNsense perfect, the firebox x750e is equipped with 8 lan ports.
currently i have 1 port assigned as wan and the remaining 7 ports are bridged the firebox is also running a VPN from private internet access. now I have 2 wireless routers I have one setup after my ISP modem and before the firebox... This give me a small wireless network without VPN protection. the second wireless router is setup in bridge mode and goes after the firebox... this gives me a wireless VPN network.

This setup works great for all my internet browsing but for some resonne I cant get local access from PC before the VPN or to PC's after the VPN..

Im not using all the ports on the firebox so maybe there is a diffrent way to set all this up?

I hope you guys have an understanding of what I'm trying to achieve..

Thanks Pigbait

hello I have a x750e, i have Pfsense running on it and wanted to make the switch to OPNsense, I downloaded the latest x86 nano img but i cant get anything to boot, he did you manage to get your box to work?

DOH!!! I'm and idiot i need to extract the .img file