General Discussion / PPPoE connection error
« on: April 10, 2024, 06:38:57 pm »
I'm trying to get OPNSense working with my ISP (RDS & RCS from Romania).
But I get these errors on the Point-to-Point Interface after connecting, and the connection is dropped afterward:
1. PPPoE: can't connect "[91]:"->"mpd95443-0" and "[9c]:"->"left": No such file or directory
2. IFACE: Adding IPv4 address to pppoe0 failed: File exists
This is the whole log for this connection:
Does anybody have some guidance what can I do?
The device is a freshly installed Intel N100 mini PC with 4xIntel I226-V, so theoretically it should not be the network interface.
I'm trying to get OPNSense working with my ISP (RDS & RCS from Romania).
But I get these errors on the Point-to-Point Interface after connecting, and the connection is dropped afterward:
1. PPPoE: can't connect "[91]:"->"mpd95443-0" and "[9c]:"->"left": No such file or directory
2. IFACE: Adding IPv4 address to pppoe0 failed: File exists
This is the whole log for this connection:
Code: [Select]
2024-04-10T19:22:02 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Closing --> Initial
2024-04-10T19:22:02 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: Down event
2024-04-10T19:22:02 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: LayerFinish
2024-04-10T19:22:02 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: No NCPs left. Closing links...
2024-04-10T19:22:02 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Closing --> Initial
2024-04-10T19:22:02 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerDown
2024-04-10T19:22:02 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1 in 4 seconds
2024-04-10T19:22:06 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1
2024-04-10T19:22:06 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: can't connect "[91]:"->"mpd95443-0" and "[9c]:"->"left": No such file or directory
2024-04-10T19:22:06 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: DOWN event
2024-04-10T19:22:06 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Down event
2024-04-10T19:22:06 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 2 in 3 seconds
2024-04-10T19:22:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 2
2024-04-10T19:22:09 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2024-04-10T19:22:11 Informational ppp PPPoE: rec'd ACNAME "ftth"
2024-04-10T19:22:11 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: connection successful
2024-04-10T19:22:11 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: UP event
2024-04-10T19:22:11 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Up event
2024-04-10T19:22:11 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
2024-04-10T19:22:11 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #4
2024-04-10T19:22:11 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PROTOCOMP
2024-04-10T19:22:11 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-04-10T19:22:11 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x6bb7a11a
2024-04-10T19:22:12 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #1 (Req-Sent)
2024-04-10T19:22:12 Informational ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO PAP
2024-04-10T19:22:12 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x3e7cfeca
2024-04-10T19:22:12 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigAck #1
2024-04-10T19:22:12 Informational ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO PAP
2024-04-10T19:22:12 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x3e7cfeca
2024-04-10T19:22:12 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #5
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PROTOCOMP
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x6bb7a11a
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Reject #5 (Ack-Sent)
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PROTOCOMP
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #6
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x6bb7a11a
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #6 (Ack-Sent)
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x6bb7a11a
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: auth: peer wants PAP, I want nothing
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PAP: using authname "PPPOE USERNAME"
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PAP: sending REQUEST #1 len: 27
2024-04-10T19:22:13 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerUp
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PAP: rec'd ACK #1 len: 5
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: authorization successful
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: Matched action 'bundle "wan" ""'
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: Join bundle "wan"
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: Status update: up 1 link, total bandwidth 64000 bps
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Open event
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Initial --> Starting
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerStart
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: Open event
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Initial --> Starting
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: LayerStart
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Up event
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #5
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: Up event
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #4
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Request #1 (Req-Sent)
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] is OK
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigAck #1
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: rec'd Configure Request #1 (Req-Sent)
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: SendConfigAck #1
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: rec'd Configure Nak #4 (Ack-Sent)
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #5
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Reject #5 (Ack-Sent)
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #6
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: rec'd Configure Ack #5 (Ack-Sent)
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: LayerUp
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] 0000:0000:4f72:e6af -> 0000:0000:0000:0001
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Up event
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Rename interface ng0 to pppoe0
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #6 (Ack-Sent)
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] is OK
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #7
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Ack #7 (Ack-Sent)
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerUp
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] ->
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Adding IPv4 address to pppoe0 failed: File exists
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: IfaceChangeAddr() error, closing IPCP
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: parameter negotiation failed
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Opened --> Stopping
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendTerminateReq #8
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerDown
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Removing IPv4 address from pppoe0 failed: Can't assign requested address
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Terminate Ack #8 (Stopping)
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Stopping --> Stopped
2024-04-10T19:22:14 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerFinish
Does anybody have some guidance what can I do?
The device is a freshly installed Intel N100 mini PC with 4xIntel I226-V, so theoretically it should not be the network interface.