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Messages - -Richard-


Did you find a solution ?

I have the exact same PCI card.



Here are the results :

The result of ifconfig :

Thank you all for your help !

Here are logs when searching for ix0 :

The ONU has been configured by a friend to to be able to replace the box given by my ISP. It's working into a TP link MC220L but I also have SFP+ ports on my router and would prefer to use the ONU directly into the router.

Here's the link to the router :

Can you tell me how to set the speed for the NIC to 1G ?

Thanks again

The fiber cable from my ISP comes into this ONU :

which is inserted into my SFP+ port

Is it possible both are not compatible ?

I've installed latest OPNsense version on my mini PC. I have an intel NIC 82599ES and the 2 ports are found but appear in red with this indication : "no carrier".

The leds from the SFP+ ports are not flashing and remain off...

Can you help me please ?

