General Discussion / Re: PPPOE Connecting but no LCP Echo
« on: April 01, 2024, 04:42:42 pm »
Hi Seimus,
I hadn't considered setting the VLANs within ESXi since the WAN port is actually passed through to the VM. Nonetheless, I went ahead and set up the VLAN on the host:
Doing this didn't bear fruit, sadly. I followed the guide you mentioned to set it up in the first place, along with setting up the VLAN for the FTTP connection using VLAN 101.
It also didn't seem to do anything for the connection without the VLAN port setup in OPNSense either, and I'm getting the same results as before with the WAN connection outside VLAN 101.
I hadn't considered setting the VLANs within ESXi since the WAN port is actually passed through to the VM. Nonetheless, I went ahead and set up the VLAN on the host:
Doing this didn't bear fruit, sadly. I followed the guide you mentioned to set it up in the first place, along with setting up the VLAN for the FTTP connection using VLAN 101.
Code: [Select]
2024-04-01T15:27:25 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: Shutdown
2024-04-01T15:27:25 Informational ppp [opt1] Bundle: Shutdown
2024-04-01T15:27:23 Informational ppp [opt1] IPCP: Close event
2024-04-01T15:27:23 Informational ppp [opt1] IFACE: Close event
2024-04-01T15:27:23 Informational ppp caught fatal signal TERM
2024-04-01T15:27:18 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2024-04-01T15:27:18 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 4
2024-04-01T15:27:17 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 4 in 1 seconds
2024-04-01T15:27:17 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: Down event
2024-04-01T15:27:17 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: DOWN event
2024-04-01T15:27:17 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE connection timeout after 9 seconds
2024-04-01T15:27:08 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2024-04-01T15:27:08 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 3
2024-04-01T15:27:06 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 3 in 2 seconds
2024-04-01T15:27:06 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: Down event
2024-04-01T15:27:06 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: DOWN event
2024-04-01T15:27:06 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE connection timeout after 9 seconds
2024-04-01T15:26:57 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2024-04-01T15:26:57 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 2
2024-04-01T15:26:53 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 2 in 4 seconds
2024-04-01T15:26:53 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: Down event
2024-04-01T15:26:53 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: DOWN event
2024-04-01T15:26:53 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE connection timeout after 9 seconds
2024-04-01T15:26:43 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2024-04-01T15:26:43 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1
2024-04-01T15:26:41 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1 in 2 seconds
2024-04-01T15:26:41 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: Down event
2024-04-01T15:26:41 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: DOWN event
2024-04-01T15:26:41 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE connection timeout after 9 seconds
2024-04-01T15:26:32 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2024-04-01T15:26:32 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: LayerStart
2024-04-01T15:26:32 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: state change Initial --> Starting
2024-04-01T15:26:32 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] LCP: Open event
2024-04-01T15:26:32 Informational ppp [opt1_link0] Link: OPEN event
2024-04-01T15:26:32 Informational ppp [opt1] Bundle: Interface ng0 created
2024-04-01T15:26:32 Informational ppp web: web is not running
2024-04-01T15:26:32 Informational ppp process 29038 started, version 5.9
It also didn't seem to do anything for the connection without the VLAN port setup in OPNSense either, and I'm getting the same results as before with the WAN connection outside VLAN 101.
Code: [Select]
2024-04-01T15:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 2 in 1 seconds
2024-04-01T15:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Down event
2024-04-01T15:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: DOWN event
2024-04-01T15:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: can't connect "[61]:"->"mpd95407-0" and "[8d]:"->"left": No such file or directory
2024-04-01T15:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 1 in 1 seconds
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Stopping --> Starting
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Down event
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: DOWN event
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] can't remove hook mpd95407-0 from node "[61]:": No such file or directory
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: connection closed
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerDown
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendTerminateReq #4
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Closing --> Initial
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: No NCPs left. Closing links...
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerFinish
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Down event
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Rename interface pppoe0 to pppoe0
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Down event
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerDown
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendTerminateReq #4
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Opened --> Closing
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Close event
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: Status update: up 0 links, total bandwidth 9600 bps
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: Leave bundle "wan"
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Opened --> Stopping
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: peer not responding to echo requests
2024-04-01T15:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: no reply to 5 echo request(s)
2024-04-01T15:28:38 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: no reply to 4 echo request(s)
2024-04-01T15:28:28 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: no reply to 3 echo request(s)
2024-04-01T15:28:17 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: no reply to 2 echo request(s)
2024-04-01T15:28:07 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: no reply to 1 echo request(s)
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Rename interface ng0 to pppoe0
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Up event
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] [WAN IP] -> [GATEWAY]
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerUp
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR [WAN IP]
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Ack #3 (Ack-Sent)
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR [WAN IP]
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #3
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] [WAN IP] is OK
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR [WAN IP]
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #2 (Ack-Sent)
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #2
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Reject #1 (Ack-Sent)
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] rec'd unexpected protocol IPV6CP, rejecting
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR [GATEWAY]
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigAck #1
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] [GATEWAY] is OK
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR [GATEWAY]
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Request #1 (Req-Sent)
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #1
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Up event
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerStart
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Initial --> Starting
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Open event
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: Status update: up 1 link, total bandwidth 64000 bps
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: Join bundle "wan"
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: Matched action 'bundle "wan" ""'
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: authorization successful
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: rec'd SUCCESS #27 len: 4
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: sending RESPONSE #27 len: 46
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: Using authname "BRI-ALCLB27E5094@30017241"
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Name: "JFL-SWTN-BNG-01"
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #27 len: 36
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerUp
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Rcvd --> Opened
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x0fc4648f
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1500
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigAck #2
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x0fc4648f
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1500
2024-04-01T15:27:37 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #2 (Ack-Rcvd)
2024-04-01T15:27:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Rcvd
2024-04-01T15:27:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x5875b506
2024-04-01T15:27:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-04-01T15:27:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #3 (Req-Sent)
2024-04-01T15:27:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x5875b506
2024-04-01T15:27:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-04-01T15:27:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #3
2024-04-01T15:27:36 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Rcvd --> Req-Sent
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Rcvd
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x5875b506
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #2 (Req-Sent)
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x5875b506
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #2
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PROTOCOMP
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Reject #1 (Req-Sent)
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x5875b506
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PROTOCOMP
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #1
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Up event
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: UP event
2024-04-01T15:27:34 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: connection successful
2024-04-01T15:27:33 Informational ppp PPPoE: rec'd ACNAME "JFL-SWTN-BNG-01"
2024-04-01T15:27:33 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2024-04-01T15:27:33 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerStart
2024-04-01T15:27:33 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Initial --> Starting
2024-04-01T15:27:33 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Open event
2024-04-01T15:27:33 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: OPEN event
2024-04-01T15:27:33 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: Interface ng0 created
2024-04-01T15:27:33 Informational ppp web: web is not running
2024-04-01T15:27:33 Informational ppp process 95407 started, version 5.9