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Messages - tops4u

I have now opened an issue on Github to get a fix or a statement on this Problem: GitHub

Until then I will currently not upgrade my System.
Meanwhile there is 24.7.12 out... did anybody try?
No I could not Ping anything at all. Luckily I have had a VPN that I could use to reach the GUI.

As of now, at least 3 People reported this Problem when using 24.7.10 and having an Interface that has tagged and untagged VLAN Traffic. Reverting to 24.7.8 Kernel with 24.7.9 Base did solve the Problem.

I'm no expert in Kernels, but maybe the latest Bugfix introduced this Problem?
I have some more info on this.

Tagged Traffic on LAN Interface -> WAN worked (ie. my Solar Converters on VLAN reached Internet)
Untagged Traffic on LAN Interface -> WAN did not work (ie. Browser on LAN did not reach Internet)
Untagged Traffic on LAN Interface -> Tagged LAN worked (ie. Browser reached Shelly on restricted Net)
Untagged Traffic on LAN Interface -> LAN untagged did not work (ie. Browser to NAS did not work)
Tagged Traffic on LAN Interface -> LAN untagged did not work (ie. Shelly Actions to NAS Docker Image)

Physical Link was UP all the time. DHCP did sometimes work, and sometimes not  (Probably the ACK was not received) according to the Managed Switch that is directly connected to OpenSense on LAN Interface. NTP could not be synced.
I upgraded vom 24.7.7 to 24.7.10_2 yesterday evening and let it run, since our Internet connection was a bit slow yesterday evening.

This Morning my familiy complained about broken connectivity. Tried to login to my OpnSense installation, but failed. Finally I could login over VPN / Mobile.

I could not figure out what the source of the Problem was. Symptoms: No untagged VLAN Traffic over the LAN Interface (igc0), however all tagged traffic worked like a charm over the same interface. No Config change by the Update nor on the Switch on the other Side. It is definitively not a Firewall issue, since there was no traffic arriving on the LAN Interface.

Since I did not know how to fix, I reverted the installation to 24.7.9 and the Kernel to 24.7.8. Again everything works as expected.

Interfaces that do not have mixed traffic (Tagged and Untagged) worked flawless.
I just upgraded from 24.7.1 to 24.7.2 yesterday and my VPN stopped working (iOS) via IPSec. So I noted two things today.

1. The VPN Log will stay empty even on Debug Level, whatever you to (Restart the Service, Change Config, Connect, etc...)
2. The Default Rules for VPN Traffic on the WAN Interface have been (probably) removed in the upgrade Process. I just added them now manually as per: and now IPSec works again.

Maybe this will help other with the same problem.
Same Problem here with the SMART Plugin.
Ok, ich habe das nun mal angeschaut.

Die Prozesse welche ab und zu mal mehr CPU fordern sind einerseits Suricata (Punktuell bis 100% CPU) und das folgende Script

/usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/opnsense/scripts/netflow/ (python3.9) --> bis ca 15% CPU über mehrere Minuten.

Die CPU Last ist nicht enorm gross trotzdem geht halt die Temperatur kurzfristig um 20°C nach oben - ist aber auch ein passiv gekühltes Barebone.
Super, besten Dank. Werde ich machen und dann wieder berichten.
Danke für den Input, aber leider ist da nur der IDS Update drin und der ist erst nach 04:xx am Morgen.

ich bin schon länger OPNSense Nutzer und bin letztes Jahr auf eine N100 umgestiegen. Teilweise beobachte ich nun morgens um 02:15 eine Erhöhung der CPU Temp und dazu passend auch eine Erhöhung der CPU Aktivitäten. Leider korrespondiert dazu keine passende zusätzliche Nutzung der Firewall, weder bei Paketen noch bei Traffic sehe ich auf irgendeinem Interface eine erhöhte Aktivität (würde z.b. ein Gerät ein Cloud Backup machen o.ä.). Die Audits sind alle OK.

Die Temperatur ist sonst so um 53°C und steigt da auf 75°C an. In den Systemlogs findet zu dem Zeitpunkt nichts spezielles statt...

Hat jemand eine Idee was das sein könnte, oder wie ich mehr darüber in Erfahrung bringen kann?