CPU temperature and SMART issues after upgrade to 24.7

Started by jorisvervuurt, July 25, 2024, 01:23:57 PM

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July 25, 2024, 01:23:57 PM Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 01:30:33 PM by jorisvervuurt
I have an Intel N100-based mini PC with six Intel i226 NICs; I'm running OPNsense from an NVMe drive (there are no other storage devices present).

With 24.1, I could see the SMART info (using the os-smart plugin) and have a widget showing the drive status as well. The CPU core temperatures were also correctly shown in a widget (four cores, the Thermal Sensors -> Hardware option is set to 'Intel Core* CPU on-die thermal sensor (coretemp)' as it was before).

After upgrading to 24.7 a few things no longer work correctly:
1. The SMART widget is no longer available (probably not yet updated for the new dashboard?)
2. Services -> SMART only shows '/dev/nda0', not '/dev/nvme0' which I expected. If I click 'View', I get:
smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p2 amd64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

Smartctl open device: /dev/nda0 failed: INQUIRY failed

Manually SSH-ing into OPNsense and opening a shell, '/dev/nvme0' does exist:
root@opnsense-mk:~ # ls /dev
acpi cuau0.init hpet0 music0 nvd0p2 reroot ttyu0.lock ttyva xpt0
apm cuau0.lock input nda0 nvd0p3 sequencer0 ttyv0 ttyvb zero
apmctl devctl io nda0p1 nvd0p4 sndstat ttyv1 ufssuspend zfs
audit devctl2 kbd0 nda0p2 nvme0 speaker ttyv2 ugen0.1
auditpipe devstat kbdmux0 nda0p3 nvme0ns1 stderr ttyv3 ugen1.1
bpf efi klog nda0p4 pass0 stdin ttyv4 uinput
bpf0 fd kmem netdump pci stdout ttyv5 urandom
console fido mdctl netmap pf sysmouse ttyv6 usb
consolectl full mem null pfil tcp_log ttyv7 usbctl
ctty geom.ctl midistat nvd0 pts ttyu0 ttyv8 wmistat0
cuau0 gpt mlx5ctl nvd0p1 random ttyu0.init ttyv9 wmistat1

I can also request the SMART data there without issue, so it just seems to be a frontend thing:
root@opnsense-mk:~ # smartctl -a /dev/nvme0
smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p2 amd64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

Model Number:                       WD Red SN700 500GB

As for the CPU core temperatures: the widget only shows the temperature for Core 0. The other three cores are no longer shown in the widget. See attached screenshot.

Other than the above things, so far 24.7 seems to be working pretty well. Thanks for all the hard work!

From my understanding based on my post regarding widgets, is that widget customisation is still being worked on.

I'm the opposite to you where I only want to see one core, but you want to see them all.

I think it's a case of wait it out, and hopefully these customisations will come....

I have the same issue with the smart plugin.

Regarding the CPU temperature, the new widget will only show the first core if all the cores report the same temperature. If they differ it will expand to show them individually.

July 25, 2024, 02:18:22 PM #3 Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 02:27:30 PM by jorisvervuurt
Quote from: csutcliff on July 25, 2024, 02:12:04 PMRegarding the CPU temperature, the new widget will only show the first core if all the cores report the same temperature. If they differ it will expand to show them individually.

Aha; that would explain the CPU temperature thing I noticed. Thanks!
EDIT: just noticed that it indeed now shows more information, but it did not expand. See screenshot. :P

I think you can hover the mouse cursor on the edge of the CPU Thermal widget, then drag its edge wider. It should expand the details inside afterwards.

I have a problem with the widget.
It shows one temperature which is okay. But if it shows all, it's not readable. I cannot drag it longer and it doesn't autoexpand.

Quote from: 0xDEADC0DE on July 29, 2024, 01:19:57 AM
I have a problem with the widget.
It shows one temperature which is okay. But if it shows all, it's not readable. I cannot drag it longer and it doesn't autoexpand.

Yeah, same thing for me (I thought I posted a screenshot above, but apparently forgot).

Thermal sensors was changed for 24.7.1 to avoid stat strange compression issue.

SMART plugin still needs a new widget contribution.
