Virtual private networks / How to route certain websites through External VPN
« on: July 16, 2024, 04:34:51 am »
Hi there,
I would like to route certain websites through my VPN Gateway but can't seem get it to work (The VPN works I'm routing an entire subnet through it).
Let's say I want to route whatismyip.com through VPN.
Name: Test
Type: Host(s)
Content: whatismyip.com
Firewall Rule LAN
Source: any
Destination: Alias Test
Gateway: VPN_GW
Would someone be able to assist with this.
I would like to route certain websites through my VPN Gateway but can't seem get it to work (The VPN works I'm routing an entire subnet through it).
Let's say I want to route whatismyip.com through VPN.
Name: Test
Type: Host(s)
Content: whatismyip.com
Firewall Rule LAN
Source: any
Destination: Alias Test
Gateway: VPN_GW
Would someone be able to assist with this.