23.7 Legacy Series / Re: Static IPv6 internally while using ISP PD assigned range externally
« on: November 10, 2023, 03:38:18 am »You can avoid these problems by not enabling DHCPv6 internally, just "unmanaged" RA, like described here. Thereby, you do not poison your internal DNS.That does not change the fact that machines still discover and use their IPv6 addresses internally. Clients register to Active Directory, and client-initiated discovery happens automatically. It doesn't matter how the IPs are assigned, only that they change resulting in intermittent connectivity.
Being able to point external requests to a specific IPv6 IP will be great, but I'm not there yet. Right now I'm at this point that if I run IPv6 internally and for all the traffic through NAT everything works, or if I use statically assigned ranges everything works. But as soon as I switch to ISP assigned dynamic addresses things break and that's all my ISP can manage to come up with at the moment.
The fix is not to email every app developer and ask for a "hey, could you rewrite your discovery mechanism to not use half my network even though it looks like it should work?", the fix is to use stable IPs, which leads me back to NPTv6, except that it doesn't seem to work either with PD assigned addresses.