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Messages - Zoltrix

Thanks mate, that was an easy fix!
Hi all,

Probably a silly question. I am attempting to create a firewall rule set that will block all SNMP traffic to the firewall, except for one host.

I've attached a screenshot of the rules. I've created a "Pass" rule for the single host, and then a "Block" rule. The block rule works on its own, but when I enable the "Pass" rule, it allows access again for all IPs, not just the single IP in the rule.

23.7 Legacy Series / Re: os-wireguard 2.0[2]
August 31, 2023, 11:51:26 AM
haha wow, I even looked in the announcements thread before I posted, and the reference links are right there :o
23.7 Legacy Series / os-wireguard 2.0[2]
August 31, 2023, 11:23:30 AM

A silly question no doubt. But what does the [2] indicate in os-wireguard 2.0[2]?

I've just upgraded to OPNsense version 23.7.3, and under plugins, I have 2.0_1 listed for wiregauard. Should that be 2.0_2?

One of the reasons I ask, is that the upgrade seemed to hang on the checking repositories part. And when I refreshed, it indicated it was now up-to-date.

One of the reasons I migrated, was because the forums over at pfSense were borderline abusive, and not very supportive. Hoping to have a different experience over here.

Thank you for the comments franco, but why a default installation would cause network issues when IPv6 starts working, seems a little strange to me?
23.1 Legacy Series / IPv6 DNS issues in 23.1.8?
May 28, 2023, 05:42:47 AM

A few weeks ago I migrated from pfSense to OPNsense 23.1.7. It was running without issue. Yesterday I updated to 23.1.8, and a lot of clients on my network started to be assigned an IPv6 DNS server (in addition to the IPv4 one). This seemed to cause the network to go a bit haywire, not sure why? Currently using Unbound on OPNsense for the DNS server.

I completely disabled IPv6, the clients stopped getting the IPv6 DNS server, and everything seems smooth again.
