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Messages - finiterex

@franco - just wanted to say thanks for the advise, the updgrade worked.
Awesome - I will let you know how I get on!
ah ok thanks Franco, so these commands from the Shell will re-run the 23.7 upgrade?

# opnsense-update -u
# opnsense-shell reboot

(sorry for the newbie questions - feel I owe you some beer / wine / a fine dining five course meal!)
I'll plug a keyboard and mouse in Franco - thank you again for your help.

Just to be clear:

1. Run the "downgrade" to 23.11.1 via console
2. Once complete run the upgrade to 23.7 again via console
Hi Franco,

Appreciate the support thank you.

I take it SSH wont be viable as I'll need to see stuff at reboot, i.e. need to plug in a monitor and keyboard?
Hi Franco,

It was in my first post sir - here's a copy
Hi Franco,

When I do that via the GUI I am offered 23.1.11... will this downgrade if I continue and if so will it cause any problems?  Do I need to do a manual upgrade instead?

Hi Franco,

Thanks for the reply - as a total newbie here my question I guess is how do i continue the upgrade now?
Hi all,

I upgraded to 27.3 via the GUI, but it appears the upgrade is only partially complete.  Any help in resolving (as I am a basic user at best) greatly received.  I also had some strange behaviour on reboot after upgrade, DHCP v6 and Unbound "flapping" which have since settled.  However similar to a previous post:

1. Firmware Status is reporting 23.1.11_1

2. Packages list is reporting base as 23.7 but opnsense as 23.1.11_1 and opnsense-update as 23.1.11

3. If I then check for updates it reports current version as 23.7 new version as 23.1.11 and required action as upgrade.

Upgrade audit below:
bash-5.2.15: already unlocked
beep-1.0_1: already unlocked
bind-tools-9.18.16: already unlocked
bind918-9.18.16: already unlocked
ca_root_nss-3.89.1: already unlocked
choparp-20150613: already unlocked
cpdup-1.22: already unlocked
cpustats-0.1: already unlocked
curl-8.1.2: already unlocked
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28: already unlocked
cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.28: already unlocked
dhcp6c-20230530: already unlocked
dnsmasq-2.89_1,1: already unlocked
dpinger-3.3: already unlocked
e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.47.0: already unlocked
easy-rsa-3.1.5: already unlocked
expat-2.5.0: already unlocked
expiretable-0.6_2: already unlocked
filterlog-0.7: already unlocked
flock-2.37.2: already unlocked
flowd-0.9.1_3: already unlocked
fstrm-0.6.1: already unlocked
gettext-runtime-0.21.1: already unlocked
glib-2.76.3,2: already unlocked
gmp-6.2.1: already unlocked
groff-1.22.4_4: already unlocked
hidapi-0.14.0: already unlocked
hiredis-1.0.2: already unlocked
hostapd-2.10_5: already unlocked
hyperscan-5.4.0: already unlocked
icu-73.2,1: already unlocked
ifinfo-13.0_1: already unlocked
iftop-1.0.p4: already unlocked
indexinfo-0.3.1: already unlocked
isc-dhcp44-relay-4.4.3P1: already unlocked
isc-dhcp44-server-4.4.3P1: already unlocked
jansson-2.14: already unlocked
json-c-0.16: already unlocked
krb5-1.21: already unlocked
ldns-1.8.3: already unlocked
libargon2-20190702: already unlocked
libcbor-0.10.2: already unlocked
libcjson-1.7.15_1: already unlocked
libedit-3.1.20221030,1: already unlocked
libevent-2.1.12: already unlocked
libffi-3.4.4: already unlocked
libfido2-1.13.0: already unlocked
libgcrypt-1.9.4_1: already unlocked
libgpg-error-1.47: already unlocked
libiconv-1.17: already unlocked
libidn2-2.3.4: already unlocked
libltdl-2.4.7: already unlocked
liblz4-1.9.4,1: already unlocked
libmaxminddb-1.7.1: already unlocked
libmcrypt-2.5.8_3: already unlocked
libnet-1.2,1: already unlocked
libnghttp2-1.53.0: already unlocked
libpaper-1.1.28: already unlocked
libpsl-0.21.2_3: already unlocked
libsodium-1.0.18: already unlocked
libucl-0.8.2: already unlocked
libunistring-1.1: already unlocked
libunwind-20211201_2: already unlocked
libuv-1.45.0: already unlocked
libxml2-2.10.4: already unlocked
libyaml-0.2.5: already unlocked
libzmq4-4.3.4: already unlocked
lighttpd-1.4.71: already unlocked
lmdb-0.9.30,1: already unlocked
lua54-5.4.6: already unlocked
lzo2-2.10_1: already unlocked
monit-5.33.0: already unlocked
mpd5-5.9_16: already unlocked
mpdecimal-2.5.1: already unlocked
mysql80-client-8.0.32_2: already unlocked
ndpi-4.6.d20230510,1: already unlocked
nettle-3.9.1: already unlocked
norm-1.5r6_3: already unlocked
nspr-4.35: already unlocked
nss-3.90: already unlocked
ntopng-5.6.d20230531,1: already unlocked
ntp-4.2.8p17: already unlocked
oniguruma-6.9.8_1: already unlocked
openldap26-client-2.6.4: already unlocked
openpgm-5.2.122_6: already unlocked
openssh-portable-9.3.p2,1: already unlocked
openssl-1.1.1u,1: already unlocked
openvpn-2.6.5: already unlocked
opnsense-23.1.11_1: already unlocked
opnsense-installer-23.1: already unlocked
opnsense-lang-22.7.3: already unlocked
opnsense-update-23.1.11: already unlocked
os-bind-1.26_5: already unlocked
os-ntopng-1.2_2: already unlocked
os-redis-1.1_2: already unlocked
os-wireguard-1.13_5: already unlocked
pam_opnsense-19.1.3: already unlocked
pcre-8.45_3: already unlocked
pcre2-10.42: already unlocked
perl5-5.32.1_3: already unlocked
pftop-0.8_4: already unlocked
php81-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-ctype-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-curl-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-dom-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-filter-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-gettext-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-google-api-php-client-2.4.0: already unlocked
php81-ldap-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-mbstring-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-pdo-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-pear-1.10.13: already unlocked
php81-pear-Crypt_CHAP-1.5.0_1: already unlocked
php81-pecl-mcrypt-1.0.6: already unlocked
php81-pecl-radius-1.4.0b1_2: already unlocked
php81-phalcon-5.2.2: already unlocked
php81-phpseclib-3.0.19: already unlocked
php81-session-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-simplexml-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-sockets-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-sqlite3-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-xml-8.1.20: already unlocked
php81-zlib-8.1.20: already unlocked
pkcs11-helper-1.29.0: already unlocked
pkg-1.19.1_1: already unlocked
protobuf-3.21.12,1: already unlocked
protobuf-c-1.4.1_1: already unlocked
psutils-1.17_5: already unlocked
py39-Babel-2.12.1: already unlocked
py39-Jinja2-3.1.2: already unlocked
py39-bottleneck-1.3.7_1: already unlocked
py39-certifi-2023.5.7: already unlocked
py39-cffi-1.15.1: already unlocked
py39-charset-normalizer-3.1.0: already unlocked
py39-cryptography-3.4.8_1,1: already unlocked
py39-cython-0.29.35: already unlocked
py39-dateutil-2.8.2: already unlocked
py39-dnspython-2.3.0,1: already unlocked
py39-duckdb-0.6.1: already unlocked
py39-idna-3.4_1: already unlocked
py39-markupsafe-2.1.3: already unlocked
py39-netaddr-0.8.0: already unlocked
py39-numexpr-2.8.4_1: already unlocked
py39-numpy-1.24.1_4,1: already unlocked
py39-openssl-20.0.1,1: already unlocked
py39-pandas-2.0.2,1: already unlocked
py39-pycparser-2.21: already unlocked
py39-pysocks-1.7.1: already unlocked
py39-pytz-2022.7,1: already unlocked
py39-requests-2.31.0: already unlocked
py39-setuptools-63.1.0_1: already unlocked
py39-six-1.16.0: already unlocked
py39-sqlite3-3.9.17_7: already unlocked
py39-tzdata-2023.3_1: already unlocked
py39-ujson-5.8.0: already unlocked
py39-urllib3-1.26.16,1: already unlocked
py39-vici-5.9.10: already unlocked
py39-yaml-6.0: already unlocked
python39-3.9.17: already unlocked
radvd-2.19_2: already unlocked
readline-8.2.1: already unlocked
redis-7.0.11: already unlocked
rrdtool-1.8.0_2: already unlocked
samplicator-1.3.8.r1_1: already unlocked
sqlite3-3.42.0,1: already unlocked
squid-5.9: already unlocked
strongswan-5.9.10_2: already unlocked
sudo-1.9.13p3: already unlocked
suricata-6.0.13: already unlocked
syslog-ng-4.2.0: already unlocked
uchardet-0.0.8: already unlocked
unbound-1.17.1_2: already unlocked
wireguard-kmod-0.0.20220615_1: already unlocked
wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914_1: already unlocked
wpa_supplicant-2.10_6: already unlocked
zip-3.0_1: already unlocked
zstd-1.5.5: already unlocked
Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
pkg-static: Repository OPNsense has a wrong packagesite, need to re-create database
Fetching meta.conf: . done
Fetching packagesite.pkg: .......... done
Processing entries: .......... done
OPNsense repository update completed. 848 packages processed.
All repositories are up to date.
Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
OPNsense repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking for upgrades (177 candidates): .......... done
Processing candidates (177 candidates): ......... done
Checking integrity... done (22 conflicting)
- php82-session-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-session-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-18-session.ini
- php82-pear-Crypt_CHAP-1.5.0_1 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-pear-Crypt_CHAP-1.5.0_1 [installed] on /usr/local/share/pear/Crypt/CHAP.php
- php82-zlib-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-zlib-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-zlib.ini
- php82-dom-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-dom-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-dom.ini
- php82-simplexml-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-simplexml-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-simplexml.ini
- php82-pdo-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-pdo-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-pdo.ini
- php82-curl-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-curl-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-curl.ini
- php82-pecl-radius-1.4.0b1_2 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-pecl-radius-1.4.0b1_2 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-radius.ini
- php82-phalcon-5.2.3 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-phalcon-5.2.2 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-30-phalcon.ini
- php82-mbstring-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-mbstring-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-mbstring.ini
- php82-ldap-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-ldap-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-ldap.ini
- php82-google-api-php-client-2.4.0 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-google-api-php-client-2.4.0 [installed] on /usr/local/share/google-api-php-client/
- php82-sockets-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-sockets-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-sockets.ini
- php82-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/bin/php
- php82-sqlite3-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-sqlite3-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-sqlite3.ini
- php82-xml-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-xml-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-xml.ini
- php82-phpseclib-3.0.19 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-phpseclib-3.0.19 [installed] on /usr/local/share/phpseclib/Common/Functions/Strings.php
- php82-gettext-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-gettext-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-gettext.ini
- php82-pecl-mcrypt-1.0.6 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-pecl-mcrypt-1.0.6 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-mcrypt.ini
- php82-ctype-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-ctype-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-ctype.ini
- php82-pear-1.10.13 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-pear-1.10.13 [installed] on /usr/local/bin/pear
- php82-filter-8.2.8 [OPNsense] conflicts with php81-filter-8.1.20 [installed] on /usr/local/etc/php/ext-20-filter.ini
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 215 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
php81: 8.1.20
php81-ctype: 8.1.20
php81-curl: 8.1.20
php81-dom: 8.1.20
php81-filter: 8.1.20
php81-gettext: 8.1.20
php81-google-api-php-client: 2.4.0
php81-ldap: 8.1.20
php81-mbstring: 8.1.20
php81-pdo: 8.1.20
php81-pear: 1.10.13
php81-pear-Crypt_CHAP: 1.5.0_1
php81-pecl-mcrypt: 1.0.6
php81-pecl-radius: 1.4.0b1_2
php81-phalcon: 5.2.2
php81-phpseclib: 3.0.19
php81-session: 8.1.20
php81-simplexml: 8.1.20
php81-sockets: 8.1.20
php81-sqlite3: 8.1.20
php81-xml: 8.1.20
php81-zlib: 8.1.20

New packages to be INSTALLED:
php82: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-ctype: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-curl: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-dom: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-filter: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-gettext: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-google-api-php-client: 2.4.0 [OPNsense]
php82-ldap: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-mbstring: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-pdo: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-pear: 1.10.13 [OPNsense]
php82-pear-Crypt_CHAP: 1.5.0_1 [OPNsense]
php82-pecl-mcrypt: 1.0.6 [OPNsense]
php82-pecl-radius: 1.4.0b1_2 [OPNsense]
php82-phalcon: 5.2.3 [OPNsense]
php82-phpseclib: 3.0.19 [OPNsense]
php82-session: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-simplexml: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-sockets: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-sqlite3: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-xml: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
php82-zlib: 8.2.8 [OPNsense]
py39-aioquic: 0.9.21 [OPNsense]
py39-anyio: 3.7.1 [OPNsense]
py39-async_generator: 1.10 [OPNsense]
py39-attrs: 23.1.0 [OPNsense]
py39-exceptiongroup: 1.1.2 [OPNsense]
py39-h11: 0.14.0 [OPNsense]
py39-h2: 4.0.0 [OPNsense]
py39-hpack: 4.0.0 [OPNsense]
py39-httpcore: 0.17.3 [OPNsense]
py39-httpx: 0.24.1 [OPNsense]
py39-hyperframe: 6.0.0 [OPNsense]
py39-outcome: 1.2.0 [OPNsense]
py39-pylsqpack: 0.3.17 [OPNsense]
py39-sniffio: 1.3.0 [OPNsense]
py39-sortedcontainers: 2.4.0 [OPNsense]
py39-trio: 0.22.2 [OPNsense]

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
ca_root_nss: 3.89.1 -> 3.91 [OPNsense]
gettext-runtime: 0.21.1 -> 0.22_1 [OPNsense]
glib: 2.76.3,2 -> 2.76.4,2 [OPNsense]
krb5: 1.21 -> 1.21.1 [OPNsense]
libcjson: 1.7.15_1 -> 1.7.16 [OPNsense]
libgcrypt: 1.9.4_1 -> 1.10.2 [OPNsense]
libnghttp2: 1.53.0 -> 1.54.0 [OPNsense]
libuv: 1.45.0 -> 1.46.0 [OPNsense]
lmdb: 0.9.30,1 -> 0.9.31,1 [OPNsense]
mysql80-client: 8.0.32_2 -> 8.0.33_3 [OPNsense]
nss: 3.90 -> 3.91 [OPNsense]
openldap26-client: 2.6.4 -> 2.6.5 [OPNsense]
opnsense: 23.1.11_1 -> 23.7 [OPNsense]
opnsense-update: 23.1.11 -> 23.7 [OPNsense]
os-bind: 1.26_5 -> 1.27 [OPNsense]
os-wireguard: 1.13_5 -> 1.13_6 [OPNsense]
perl5: 5.32.1_3 -> 5.32.1_4 [OPNsense]
py39-charset-normalizer: 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0 [OPNsense]
py39-cython: 0.29.35 -> 0.29.36 [OPNsense]
py39-dnspython: 2.3.0,1 -> 2.4.0,1 [OPNsense]
py39-duckdb: 0.6.1 -> 0.8.1 [OPNsense]
py39-numpy: 1.24.1_4,1 -> 1.25.0,1 [OPNsense]
py39-openssl: 20.0.1,1 -> 21.0.0,1 [OPNsense]
py39-pandas: 2.0.2,1 -> 2.0.3,1 [OPNsense]
py39-pytz: 2022.7,1 -> 2023.3,1 [OPNsense]
py39-vici: 5.9.10 -> 5.9.11 [OPNsense]
redis: 7.0.11 -> 7.0.12 [OPNsense]
sudo: 1.9.13p3 -> 1.9.14p3 [OPNsense]
suricata: 6.0.13 -> 6.0.13_1 [OPNsense]
unbound: 1.17.1_2 -> 1.17.1_3 [OPNsense]

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
bash-5.2.15 [OPNsense]
beep-1.0_1 [OPNsense]
bind-tools-9.18.16 [OPNsense]
bind918-9.18.16 [OPNsense]
choparp-20150613 [OPNsense]
cpdup-1.22 [OPNsense]
cpustats-0.1 [OPNsense]
curl-8.1.2 [OPNsense]
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28 [OPNsense]
cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.28 [OPNsense]
dhcp6c-20230530 [OPNsense]
dnsmasq-2.89_1,1 [OPNsense]
dpinger-3.3 [OPNsense]
e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.47.0 [OPNsense]
easy-rsa-3.1.5 [OPNsense]
expat-2.5.0 [OPNsense]
expiretable-0.6_2 [OPNsense]
filterlog-0.7 [OPNsense]
flock-2.37.2 [OPNsense]
flowd-0.9.1_3 [OPNsense]
fstrm-0.6.1 [OPNsense]
gmp-6.2.1 [OPNsense]
groff-1.22.4_4 [OPNsense]
hidapi-0.14.0 [OPNsense]
hiredis-1.0.2 [OPNsense]
hostapd-2.10_5 [OPNsense]
hyperscan-5.4.0 [OPNsense]
icu-73.2,1 [OPNsense]
ifinfo-13.0_1 [OPNsense]
iftop-1.0.p4 [OPNsense]
indexinfo-0.3.1 [OPNsense]
isc-dhcp44-relay-4.4.3P1 [OPNsense]
isc-dhcp44-server-4.4.3P1 [OPNsense]
jansson-2.14 [OPNsense]
json-c-0.16 [OPNsense]
ldns-1.8.3 [OPNsense]
libargon2-20190702 [OPNsense]
libcbor-0.10.2 [OPNsense]
libedit-3.1.20221030,1 [OPNsense]
libevent-2.1.12 [OPNsense]
libffi-3.4.4 [OPNsense]
libfido2-1.13.0 [OPNsense]
libgpg-error-1.47 [OPNsense]
libiconv-1.17 [OPNsense]
libidn2-2.3.4 [OPNsense]
libltdl-2.4.7 [OPNsense]
liblz4-1.9.4,1 [OPNsense]
libmaxminddb-1.7.1 [OPNsense]
libmcrypt-2.5.8_3 [OPNsense]
libnet-1.2,1 [OPNsense]
libpaper-1.1.28 [OPNsense]
libpsl-0.21.2_3 [OPNsense]
libsodium-1.0.18 [OPNsense]
libucl-0.8.2 [OPNsense]
libunistring-1.1 [OPNsense]
libunwind-20211201_2 [OPNsense]
libxml2-2.10.4 [OPNsense]
libyaml-0.2.5 [OPNsense]
libzmq4-4.3.4 [OPNsense]
lighttpd-1.4.71 [OPNsense]
lua54-5.4.6 [OPNsense]
lzo2-2.10_1 [OPNsense]
monit-5.33.0 [OPNsense]
mpd5-5.9_16 [OPNsense]
mpdecimal-2.5.1 [OPNsense]
ndpi-4.6.d20230510,1 [OPNsense]
nettle-3.9.1 [OPNsense]
norm-1.5r6_3 [OPNsense]
nspr-4.35 [OPNsense]
ntopng-5.6.d20230531,1 [OPNsense]
ntp-4.2.8p17 [OPNsense]
oniguruma-6.9.8_1 [OPNsense]
openpgm-5.2.122_6 [OPNsense]
openssh-portable-9.3.p2,1 [OPNsense]
openssl-1.1.1u,1 [OPNsense]
openvpn-2.6.5 [OPNsense]
opnsense-installer-23.1 [OPNsense]
opnsense-lang-22.7.3 [OPNsense]
os-ntopng-1.2_2 [OPNsense]
os-redis-1.1_2 [OPNsense]
pam_opnsense-19.1.3 [OPNsense]
pcre-8.45_3 [OPNsense]
pcre2-10.42 [OPNsense]
pftop-0.8_4 [OPNsense]
pkcs11-helper-1.29.0 [OPNsense]
pkg-1.19.1_1 [OPNsense]
protobuf-3.21.12,1 [OPNsense]
protobuf-c-1.4.1_1 [OPNsense]
psutils-1.17_5 [OPNsense]
py39-Babel-2.12.1 [OPNsense]
py39-Jinja2-3.1.2 [OPNsense]
py39-bottleneck-1.3.7_1 [OPNsense]
py39-certifi-2023.5.7 [OPNsense]
py39-cffi-1.15.1 [OPNsense]
py39-cryptography-3.4.8_1,1 [OPNsense]
py39-dateutil-2.8.2 [OPNsense]
py39-idna-3.4_1 [OPNsense]
py39-markupsafe-2.1.3 [OPNsense]
py39-netaddr-0.8.0 [OPNsense]
py39-numexpr-2.8.4_1 [OPNsense]
py39-pycparser-2.21 [OPNsense]
py39-pysocks-1.7.1 [OPNsense]
py39-requests-2.31.0 [OPNsense]
py39-setuptools-63.1.0_1 [OPNsense]
py39-six-1.16.0 [OPNsense]
py39-sqlite3-3.9.17_7 [OPNsense]
py39-tzdata-2023.3_1 [OPNsense]
py39-ujson-5.8.0 [OPNsense]
py39-urllib3-1.26.16,1 [OPNsense]
py39-yaml-6.0 [OPNsense]
python39-3.9.17 [OPNsense]
radvd-2.19_2 [OPNsense]
readline-8.2.1 [OPNsense]
rrdtool-1.8.0_2 [OPNsense]
samplicator-1.3.8.r1_1 [OPNsense]
sqlite3-3.42.0,1 [OPNsense]
squid-5.9 [OPNsense]
strongswan-5.9.10_2 [OPNsense]
syslog-ng-4.2.0 [OPNsense]
uchardet-0.0.8 [OPNsense]
wireguard-kmod-0.0.20220615_1 [OPNsense]
wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914_1 [OPNsense]
wpa_supplicant-2.10_6 [OPNsense]
zip-3.0_1 [OPNsense]
zstd-1.5.5 [OPNsense]

Number of packages to be removed: 22
Number of packages to be installed: 38
Number of packages to be upgraded: 30
Number of packages to be reinstalled: 125

The process will require 25 MiB more space.
[1/215] Reinstalling indexinfo-0.3.1...
[1/215] Extracting indexinfo-0.3.1: .... done
[2/215] Reinstalling mpdecimal-2.5.1...
[2/215] Extracting mpdecimal-2.5.1: .......... done
[3/215] Reinstalling openssl-1.1.1u,1...
[3/215] Extracting openssl-1.1.1u,1: .......... done
[4/215] Reinstalling readline-8.2.1...
[4/215] Extracting readline-8.2.1: .......... done
[5/215] Reinstalling libffi-3.4.4...
[5/215] Extracting libffi-3.4.4: .......... done
[6/215] Reinstalling python39-3.9.17...
[6/215] Extracting python39-3.9.17: .......... done
[7/215] Reinstalling py39-setuptools-63.1.0_1...
[7/215] Extracting py39-setuptools-63.1.0_1: .......... done
[8/215] Reinstalling py39-pycparser-2.21...
[8/215] Extracting py39-pycparser-2.21: .......... done
[9/215] Installing py39-exceptiongroup-1.1.2...
[9/215] Extracting py39-exceptiongroup-1.1.2: .......... done
[10/215] Reinstalling libunistring-1.1...
[10/215] Extracting libunistring-1.1: .......... done
[11/215] Installing py39-hpack-4.0.0...
[11/215] Extracting py39-hpack-4.0.0: .......... done
[12/215] Installing py39-hyperframe-6.0.0...
[12/215] Extracting py39-hyperframe-6.0.0: .......... done
[13/215] Reinstalling libedit-3.1.20221030,1...
[13/215] Extracting libedit-3.1.20221030,1: .......... done
[14/215] Upgrading gettext-runtime from 0.21.1 to 0.22_1...
[14/215] Extracting gettext-runtime-0.22_1: .......... done
[15/215] Reinstalling py39-cffi-1.15.1...
[15/215] Extracting py39-cffi-1.15.1: .......... done
[16/215] Installing py39-sniffio-1.3.0...
[16/215] Extracting py39-sniffio-1.3.0: .......... done
[17/215] Reinstalling py39-idna-3.4_1...
[17/215] Extracting py39-idna-3.4_1: .......... done
[18/215] Installing py39-attrs-23.1.0...
[18/215] Extracting py39-attrs-23.1.0: .......... done
[19/215] Reinstalling libidn2-2.3.4...
[19/215] Extracting libidn2-2.3.4: .......... done
[20/215] Reinstalling py39-cryptography-3.4.8_1,1...
[20/215] Extracting py39-cryptography-3.4.8_1,1: .......... done
[21/215] Upgrading py39-numpy from 1.24.1_4,1 to 1.25.0,1...
[21/215] Extracting py39-numpy-1.25.0,1: ......