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Messages - serversonic

OS: 24.1 (upgraded from 23.7, originally installed as 22)

I have a couple of entries in /var/unbound/host_entries.conf that are affecting how my network works but are not visible in the GUI. Reading around suggests that it isn't safe to just delete them from the file, so what is the correct way to do it?

Thanks, I found that, it was pretty much what I was following, but the Fritzbox is the hard bit as it doesn't give away a lot in terms of debugging information.
I can see some activity in the forum regarding this in German but it's a lot to read through Google Translate.

My home broadband has a Fritzbox that has been updated to support Wireguard, and I have a remote OPNSense VM with Wireguard installed. The Fritzbox either creates a Wireguard configuration file to install on a remote device, which is mostly intended for mobile devices, or requires a Wireguard configuration file generated by the remote device.

I have tried manually creating a configuration file from an OPNSense connection to import into the Fritzbox but can't get this to work. I have also tried in the other direction and have had no success that way either. On the OPNSense VM I can see that outbound connection attempts to negotiate but fail. I don't have any meaningful logging on either side to diagnose.

So I think in this order:
- Has anyone achieved this kind of connection?
- Can logging be enabled for Wireguard, and how?
- Is it possible to export a Wireguard confiig from OPNSense at all
- Would it be possible to add this to the Wireguard plugin?

It was indeed a space problem - I created my VM with a standard 32GB Proxmox image (following one of the top search results - HomeNetworkGuy I think), and v23 does indeed need a minimum of 40GB. I did a clean install on a bigger VM and restored the backup I took before upgrading and it Just Worked.
I did try increasing the disk size and indeed mounting a another disk device but actually doing that on a FreeBSD disk isn't easy in Proxmox.
I run a three node Proxmox system with an OPNSense VM as the gateway router. I updated it to 23.1 from the web interface yesterday and it seemed to complete successfully  but on trying to access the web interface this morning I found it wasn't loading properly, and checking the console showed the repeated error '/mnt: filesystem full'. The filesystem is showing 109% for / and other mounts. I saw an issue that suggested that that required a firmware update on the host, so I did that but the problem persists. I can resize the VM but I suspect this isn't the case.
Routing components are still working but practically everything else is complaining.