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Messages - sbellon

Yes, I don't want to derail this thread any further, my assumption was, that such a large increase in states most likely is also correlated with an increase in CPU consumption. As I have seen a reduction in states with 24.7.3 in my setup, I just wanted to suggest also checking the OP's CPU issue with 24.7.3 to verify/falsify whether this also has been resolved.

But my assumption may be wrong and I won't hijack this any further.
Quote from: irrenarzt on September 02, 2024, 12:10:03 AM
Do you happen to use any firewall aliases with large table entries loaded?

I discovered that by disabling Maxmind Geoblock, I'm able to reduce my temperatures and utilization to pre-24.7 levels. Since I made no alteration to any of mine between 24.1 and 24.7, I think python 3.11 introduced a bug.

Yes, I *do* use Maxmind Geoblock with country aliases that result in large table entries.

But then again, it all went back to pre-24.7 behaviour when upgrading to 24.7.3 as you can see in my state graph.

24.1.10 -> 24.7.1 on 2024-08-08
24.7.1 -> 24.7.2 on 2024-08-21
24.7.2 -> 24.7.3 on 2024-08-29

You can see this correlates perfectly with the graph. I'm pretty sure this is due to the FreeBSD ICMP issue and not Python.
Just here to +1 everything you said. I had precisely the same symptoms and with 24.7.3 everything is back to normal again.
The attached screenshot shows my "States" with the *EXACT* some configuration over the whole time of the plot.

You can clearly see the change when I upgraded from 24.1.10 to 24.7.1 on 08.08.2024 ... and the pattern also changes after the upgrade to 24.7.2 on 21.08.2024.

And guess what, now that I upgraded to 24.7.3 just yesterday, it is back to old behaviour (not easy to see yet in the screenshot, but if I adjust the axis scaling it can be clearly seen).

So, my assumption is, that this change in states also comes with a change in CPU utilization.

PS: and also my weird Android Wifi disconnects that I was chasing over the last weeks have miraculously vanished since I upgraded to 24.7.3 yesterday.  ;D
I still have the theory that this is also connected to the ICMPv6 issue in 24.7.1 and 24.7.2 which was reverted in 24.7.3.
When you upgrade to 24.7.3 ... is it still the same or is it reverted to pre-24.7 behavior?
24.7, 24.10 Production Series / Re: 24.7 CPU Temps
August 29, 2024, 10:12:36 AM
Not saying this is related, but I agree that I see a change in the graphs after having upgraded to 24.7.1 and then after 24.7.2 as well. For me it's not the CPU temperature because I'm running that on a Proxmox VE and don't have that available inside OPNsense, but I can see how the usage of the "States" clearly (!) changed with the upgrade from 24.1.10 to 24.7.1 and then again to 24.7.2 as you can see from my attached screenshot (upgrade to 24.7.1 was on 08.08.24 and upgrade to 24.7.2 was on 21.08.24 - both clearly visible in the graph without further explanation).

I am not saying this change is a problem nor worth investigating, I'm just saying that I can clearly see this change in behaviour and this may very well have effects on CPU usage and/or memory usage and perhaps as a result even CPU temperature.

Oh, and yes, configuration has NOT changed AT ALL over this period of time.
German - Deutsch / Re: ddclient ipv6 Problem?
February 27, 2024, 10:25:21 AM
Bei mir updated ddclient "native" mit Service desec sowohl IPv4 als auch IPv6.
German - Deutsch / Re: IPV6 DSL Telekom Draytek Vigor 167
February 26, 2024, 02:14:06 PM
Hallo zusammen,

ich hab auch den Vigor 167 an einer OPNsense (virtualisiert auf Proxmox VE) mit Telekom Dual IP Stack. Ich lasse auch den Vigor das VLAN-Tag 7 setzen und habe ohne Probleme Dual IP Stack. Ich weiß, das hilft jetzt nicht weiter, aber daran, wer das VLAN-Tag setzt, liegt es also wohl nicht.

German - Deutsch / Re: Ist das normal?
November 17, 2023, 10:55:44 AM
Ok, das ist eine Basis, auf die ich mich uneingeschränkt mit dir einigen kann. :-)
German - Deutsch / Re: Ist das normal?
November 17, 2023, 10:23:47 AM
Die Bemerkung "Ich hatte ebenfalls noch nie solche Probleme, weder auf Blech noch in VM." kam nicht von mir ...
German - Deutsch / Re: Ist das normal?
November 17, 2023, 10:13:22 AM
@meyergru: Das hat nix mit Glück zu tun, ich hab vor dem Kauf schon in den einschlägigen Foren recherchiert, ob die verbaute Hardware mit Proxmox und OPNsense funktioniert. Und die Tatsache, dass die Hardware nicht bleeding edge ist, erklärt sich auch ganz einfach: sie ist nicht neu sondern schon Jahre im Einsatz. Und für meine Zwecke (Proxmox virtualisiert OPNsense, Pi-hole, Unifi Controller und Proxmox Backup Server) ist sie mehr als ausreichend dimensioniert.
German - Deutsch / Re: Ist das normal?
November 17, 2023, 09:38:16 AM
Das ist nicht meine Erfahrung. Ich lasse die OPNsense ebenfalls auf einer HUNSN Hardware (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U, 6x Intel I210, 16 GB RAM, 80 GB SSD) von Proxmox 8 virtualisiert laufen und ich habe/hatte nie solche Probleme.
And for Dual IP stack, I assume one IPv4 and one IPv6 gateway should be marked? Or does it only apply to the IPv4 one (if the IPv6 one is DHCPv6 and not PPPoE)?
@franco Would you advise me to a) set Upstream Gateway, b) set Gateway switching, c) set both, or d) never touch a running system? ;-)