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Messages - chrisrc

General Discussion / Mellanox ConnectX-2 and up
January 20, 2021, 07:08:40 PM

I'm new to OPNSense as I just set it up to replace PFS last night. So far so good.

However, I used a 3rd party doc to enable a card I already had in the machine. It's wrong, and I figured out why.

It tells you to load the driver by editing /boot/loader.conf via CLI. As those with experience know, this works for one reboot and then gets wiped. The best way to do it to ensure it stays is use the GUI. It also says the earliest card that can be used is a ConnectX-3. That's not true. The earliest is a ConnectX-2 as per my testing and current usage. To install....

  -System>Settings>Tunables and click "+ADD" on top right.
  -In the "Tunable" field enter mlx4en_load, in "Description" write whatever you want, and in Value put in YES
  -Save, go to top and click "Apply Changes", bounce, and you should now see your Mellanox ConnectX-2 and up card
