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Messages - KatiaSisHost

Hola, tengo configurado un servidor en Hetzner con Proxmox y en la primer maquina virtual tengo OPNSense...

en el Proxmox tengo 3 maquinas virtuales... 1 es un webserver que uso en "DMZ"  y es el ultimo registro:
Interface = LAN WAN ---- TCP IPV4 ---- PROTOCOL any ---- SOURCE any ---- Destination WAN net ---- Single host

arriba de esto tengo otros puertos asignados a otras maquinas virtuales...

el problema radica en que cuando activo ese registro, las maquinas virtuales todas dejan de navegar en internet... intente agregar un puerto 53 al localhost del opnsense pero no ha funcionado...

PD: Lo estoy haciendo de esta manera porque tengo que habilitar muchos puertos para hacer pruebas... y el 2ndo problema, es que si habilito todo manualmente puerto por puerto... puedo ver las maquinas entre si y todo... pero no se envian los emails! rarisimo!

PD: en mi casa tengo configurado 2 lineas de fibra optica directo a un servidorcito con opnsense (no virtualizado) en 2 puertos ethernet... y tengo 3 servidores a su vez cada uno con proxmox... y todo me funciona sin tocar nada... no entiendo!

General Discussion / Re: WAN Balancing Not working
November 14, 2021, 02:40:17 PM
Same here in my case, work some hours and after.. packet loss and disconnection intermitents
General Discussion / PPPoE Fiber Packet Loss
November 13, 2021, 07:24:19 AM
Hi, i have a HP DL320 G5 with Clean OPNSense  21.7.1...

I have 2 connections, 1 by DHCP coaxial cable(bridge mode) ... another by PPPoE fiber optic (bridge mode), which assigns me a Fixed IP ...

If I connect only the Coaxial, I don't have any kind of problem ...

but instead, if I connect the Fiber Optic connection, I start to have packet loss after many minutes, and then the packet loss becomes recurrent ...

I have the problem both, connecting as a multi wan, as if I only connect the optical fiber ...

The steps that I perform are ... once OPNSense is installed, I add bge0 to WAN and em0 to LAN ... in WAN I select PPPoE, deactivate IPV6 and enter username, password, save the changes and apply ...

Only that...

if i make this with the coaxial connection(only) with DHCP (bridge mode) and make this settings... all work fine...

EDIT: the problem appear when i open port to a specific lan ip.
General Discussion / Dynamic DNS, 1 Domain 2 IP....
September 17, 2021, 09:34:39 PM
Hi folks, I have a domain on cloudflare like dns ...

and I have it as follows:

registration A IP

registration A IP

to have redundancy and avoid crashes ... now well ... when I had a single IP ... I had set it to automatically change the IP of the domain, but now that I have 2 IP ... change the 2 records for the IP new 1 connection ... change record 1 with ip 1 and record 2 with ip 2?
Hola, tengo un servidor web en mi ip bajo DMZ ... con una WAN de Movistar

Puedo acceder desde la red local, puedo acceder desde los dominios que tiene asignados y todo sin problemas, también puedo acceder desde otras conexiones externas de otras empresas, por ejemplo Fibertel ... PERO no puedo acceder desde fuera desde otras conexiones de Movistar .

alguna idea cual puede ser el problema? repito solamente no pueden acceder a mi web las conexiones que tengan la misma empresa que yo... el resto ingresa sin problemas!
Hello, I have a web server on my ip under DMZ ... with a Movistar WAN

I can access from the local network, I can access from the domains assigned to it and everything without problems, I can also access from other external connections of other companies, for example Fibertel ... BUT I cannot access from outside from other Movistar connections.
:'( :'( :'(
Hello, I have a web server on one server and the OPNSense(OPNsense 20.7.8_4-amd64
) on another, these last days I am having kinds (for moments only) of micro internet outages ... the problem is that this started since I reinstalled the OPNSense, but I have doubts if it is really an OPNSense problem since I have not configured more than a DMZ as I had it before ... or if it is a problem with my internet connection ... what do you suggest to see what is failing?
General Discussion / Error 504 Gateway Timeout
August 21, 2021, 06:26:48 PM
Hello, a while ago I had this problem and I was able to solve it, but a few days ago I had to reinstall the OPNSense, and I have the same problem again, but I can not find the solution.

I have a WebServer under DMZ with OPNSense, everything works fine, but if my web takes a while to load, it throws 504 Gateway Timeout ERROR ...
Spanish - Español / Re: Esquema HomeLab
February 04, 2021, 02:02:23 PM
mi Port Forward es :

   LAN LAN1 LAN2 WAN WAN2   any   *   *   WAN address   *   *   
any idea?
Ey! Hello Manuel!

See, i have Server1 with opnsense.

Server2 with proxmox... in VM1 have a CentosWebPanel (CPanel) in DMZ with some websites and domains.... all work well...

Only cant use for example curl inside my domain maybe i understand what the curl cant resolve the same domain.

I use the curl to get others website out of my network and it work well...

In Lan and Out of Lan i can see the websites without problem... the is hosted inside Centos Web Panel... too can get my with curl script out of my network....

Only cant resolve a loopback(?

Extra data: isnt problem of CWP... if i use it connected directly at internet... all work well
General Discussion / Opnsense + Wordpress Curl Error28
January 27, 2021, 11:15:17 PM
Hello i have a physical server in my house with Opnsense... and other physical server with MV1 with CentosWebPanel... in this CWP i have 1 wordpress in with plugin in Curl to capture a website...

if i use to capture for example "" it work perfectly

only fail when appoint to for example or other domain in my same wan. it display error Curl error 28

the MV1 is under DMZ.

if i use this plugin in localhost in my work for example.. and put to capture my it work.

the problem is only under opnsense and in my same connection.
Spanish - Español / Re: Esquema HomeLab
January 27, 2021, 11:02:40 PM
Hola, monte todo como lo dije arriba y la red no funciona como lo esperaba... la red 1 recibe conexion de la wan 1 y la red 2 de la wan2... o aveces se intercambian las conexiones...

no puedo acceder desde las 2 wan al servidor solo de 1 a la vez... se me esta complicado jaja

tengo otro tema ahora... la VM1 que tiene el CentosWebPanel, puse un wordpress con un plugien que se conecta a un subdominio del wordpress, y el curl del plugin no lo resuelve...

puedo con el plugin capturar google o cualquier página siempre y cuando este fuera de mi red sin problemas, pero no puedo capturar ninguna que este dentro de mi misma conexión... cabe aclarar la VM1 esta en DMZ.

por otro lado tengo otro servidor con un sistema con la conexion de wan2... puedo acceder por medio de la IP WAN2 desde el exterior sin problema, pero desde otra pc dentro de la red... no, sin embargo si puedo acceder por ejemplo a y accede sin problema al MV1 que esta en la WAN1.

siendo que copie tal cual las reglas y cambie la ip de la pc para redirigir el trafico
General Discussion / Email on change IP
December 26, 2020, 10:53:16 PM
Hello, it's possible to send email when bge0 or bge1 (wan1 and wan2)

change our public ip's?

i dont need update ip with no-ip or similar... i need send email only with a alert... inclusive no need send the new ip in the email... a alert is sufficient
General Discussion / Re: 1 WAN + LAN + OPT1
December 26, 2020, 10:48:33 PM

Navigate to System > Settings > Tunables
Locate and change its setting from Default to 0. Save and Apply Changes
Locate(directly below the previous setting) and change the setting from Default to 1. Save and Apply Changes