Web Proxy Filtering and Caching / tcpdump Squid traffic and|or port forwarding
« on: April 15, 2021, 01:00:23 pm »
As in the subject is there a way you can see a whole packet journey using transparent squid with port forwarding, e.g.
client -> opnsense lan interface port 80 -> opnsense port forward 80-3128 -> squid receive packets -> squid making request
and then everything but in reverse.
I'm asking as I'm probably a bit of a control freak and want to see my packet step by step so while testing I can understand all the steps required.
So far I've tried to do tcpdump on lo0 and lan interface on 3128 but I can't see a thing. I can see the correct destination port on tcpdump lan interface port 80 but that's before port forwarding.
As in the subject is there a way you can see a whole packet journey using transparent squid with port forwarding, e.g.
client -> opnsense lan interface port 80 -> opnsense port forward 80-3128 -> squid receive packets -> squid making request
and then everything but in reverse.
I'm asking as I'm probably a bit of a control freak and want to see my packet step by step so while testing I can understand all the steps required.
So far I've tried to do tcpdump on lo0 and lan interface on 3128 but I can't see a thing. I can see the correct destination port on tcpdump lan interface port 80 but that's before port forwarding.