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Messages - gzhdta

Hello all folks.

Finally i founded the solution to fix this issue:

  • Import the samba / AD  CA cert in the "trust Authorities" of the opnsense appliance
  • In the server Config: do not put the ipaddres, but the FQDN of the ad server corresponding to the CA cert 
That's it, ad auth is working again
Hello everybody.

I encounter the following problem with the external auth module:
The LDAP module can't reach anymore the Activedir server since the 17.6 update.
So, now auth is failing systematically.

The "authentication containers" field remains empty, and the browsing popup, wich is useful to select a LDAP container too.

It seems that the ldap auth module can't reach nothing at all, like it was locked by a firewall rule.

The founded way to workaround this is to roll back to a 17.0. version. That could be only a temporary solution.

Any idea to solve that ?

Thanks to all folks.
