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Messages - Supergiovane

20.1 Legacy Series / Re: Upgrading from 19.7.10 to 20.1
February 10, 2020, 12:56:35 PM
Migration from 19.7 to 20.1 went smooth on a Proxmox VM with VirtIO adapter, configured with:
1 LTE and 1 ADSL with failover/fallback
1 OpenVPN to another 19.7 Opnsense machine
1 LAN with Unbound DNS
Thank you again for this very good firewall.
19.7 Legacy Series / Thank you Franco
November 15, 2019, 03:33:25 PM
Hey Franco, thank you for offering us this wonderful firewall, from a long Pfsense, Endian, Sophos UTM user.
Replaced everything with opnSense.
Appreciate your work.
Thank you very much.
First of all, thank you very much for this plugin.
I tried installing it on Pondesk hardware and on a Supermicro server (in a VM).
On both, i can only achieve Small II (Max 50 users).
I've a home net with more than 50 devices (homekit devices, Konnex devices, Hue bulbs, IP Phones, 3 robot cleaners, a robot mower etc...). All of this requires a gateway to be able to update software and to be controlled on cloud.

My question is: after the first 50 devices Sensei sees, what happens to the others? How can i check what are the first 50 devices handled by Sensei?
