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Messages - johnwwweissberg

19.7 Legacy Series / Re: Newbie: How install Geoip
October 03, 2019, 04:37:12 PM
I can create the Firewall Aliases using the type "Geoip".

The problems are:

1. The Geoip firewall rules are not functioning
2. As far as I can tell, Geoip is not truly installed in the sense that these directories are empty:


What is the best way to launch the geoip installation script?

19.7 Legacy Series / Newbie: How install Geoip
September 26, 2019, 12:02:21 AM
I have just started using Opnsense 19.7.

On the file system, these directories do not yet exist:


I have located the following script which should download and install Geoip tables:



1. Is there a way to install geoip from the UI?

2. What is the preferred way to install geoip? Should I simply run the above script from the command line?

3. Are there other pre or post installation steps required?

3. Are there