now that's exactly part of our problem. Your answer to everything (and yes I exaggerate) seems to be 'if you don't like it, contribute'. But you know as well as me that's not feasible. Your users / customers are not supposed to be coders, right? I'm not a coder, nor do I have any coders in the company I own. But if we consider buying or supporting a product, does that mean if we don't like something that WAS in there, we can't try to start a constructive discussion on it? Usually I feel that's one of the advantages of picking an open source product, as there's a community that is usually open minded. Opposed to for example MS who just makes choices for users no matter if they like them or not (Windows 10 update terror anyone? But even THEY gave in and reverse it, go figure).
It seems my company is not alone in missing this particular feature, but it's not about this one feature. It's about the general attitude. I really wanted to like OpnSense, and I do, but if this is how customers are treated and how discussions are ended, then that's certainly not the company I want to work with. I wish you the very best of luck with it. No hard feelings, but I'm pretty sure this way it'll cost you paying customers. It cost you at least one already.
now that's exactly part of our problem. Your answer to everything (and yes I exaggerate) seems to be 'if you don't like it, contribute'. But you know as well as me that's not feasible. Your users / customers are not supposed to be coders, right? I'm not a coder, nor do I have any coders in the company I own. But if we consider buying or supporting a product, does that mean if we don't like something that WAS in there, we can't try to start a constructive discussion on it? Usually I feel that's one of the advantages of picking an open source product, as there's a community that is usually open minded. Opposed to for example MS who just makes choices for users no matter if they like them or not (Windows 10 update terror anyone? But even THEY gave in and reverse it, go figure).
It seems my company is not alone in missing this particular feature, but it's not about this one feature. It's about the general attitude. I really wanted to like OpnSense, and I do, but if this is how customers are treated and how discussions are ended, then that's certainly not the company I want to work with. I wish you the very best of luck with it. No hard feelings, but I'm pretty sure this way it'll cost you paying customers. It cost you at least one already.