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Messages - dedman

I got bandwidthd to work by installing manually like this. You will need basic command line experience to be able to do this.

1) pkg install bandwidthd
2) Change 'dev' in /usr/local/bandwidthd/etc/bandwidthd.conf to be the interface you want to monitor, for me it was hn0. Usually this will be your LAN interface, you can check the interface names in the Interface->Assignments in the OPNSense UI.
3) Link /usr/local/bandwidthd/htdocs/ to /usr/local/www (I used the command 'ln -s /usr/local/bandwidthd/htdocs/ bandwidthd'). This step I'm not sure if its the correct way to really do this, I'm assuming an update to opnsense in the future might remove this link. Franco I'd love to hear what is the best way to link the bandwidth html docs to the www dir.
4) Then you can start the bandwidthd process by running '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/bandwidthd onestart'. I'm not sure what the correct way to make this startup on boot automatically. Franco again be great if you could let us know what is the ideal way to make it start automatically?
5) Now you can view the graphs at http://192.168.1.X/bandwidthd (it will take a few minutes for them to generate).

Good Luck : ) I have Bandwidthd and ntopng now running nicely, now I can see the bandwidth usage with urls (ntopng) and also over the last week/month (bandwidthd).

18.7 Legacy Series / Multiwan Detailed Status
October 03, 2018, 09:51:43 AM
Hey everyone,

I was just wondering if there is a way to view more detailed information about what dpinger or apinger is doing with regard to switching gateways in a multiwan setup.

I'm on a setup where we have a failover from 3G to VSAT, and its working most of the time, however I find it takes a long time to failover, and even longer to failback. When trying to work out whats going I can't find anything to tell me what apinger or dpinger is thinking or waiting for.

The most frustrating situation is when it fails over to VSAT, and then I fix the 3G connection, and then I have to wait multiple minutes, or longer for it to switch back to 3G (even though the latency and packet loss are back to normal ranges). All the while both gateways are green.

So I was just wondering if there is a way to see exactly what apinger/dpinger is waiting for before switching back?
