17.1 Legacy Series / Re: Feature Request : Section dividers within the firewall rulebase
« on: July 04, 2017, 12:36:42 pm »
Thanks for the reply but I must be missing something, I can see groups under the Firewall section but the description is this
'Interface Groups allow you to create rules that apply to multiple interfaces without duplicating the rules. If you remove members from an interface group, the group rules no longer apply to that interface.'
I have tried creating a group to see what I can do with it but it is not the functionality I was looking for and I do not see any way to filter which rules are listed when looking at the rulebase for a specific interface.
The comments / titles / section headers I am looking for are purely cosmetic and allow the separation of rules within a list to make the rulebase easier to follow / allow for grouping of related rules under a specific interface.
I am running OPNsense 17.1.8-amd64
Thanks for the reply but I must be missing something, I can see groups under the Firewall section but the description is this
'Interface Groups allow you to create rules that apply to multiple interfaces without duplicating the rules. If you remove members from an interface group, the group rules no longer apply to that interface.'
I have tried creating a group to see what I can do with it but it is not the functionality I was looking for and I do not see any way to filter which rules are listed when looking at the rulebase for a specific interface.
The comments / titles / section headers I am looking for are purely cosmetic and allow the separation of rules within a list to make the rulebase easier to follow / allow for grouping of related rules under a specific interface.
I am running OPNsense 17.1.8-amd64