General Discussion / WAN + OPT1 (public) interfaces / LAN traffic routing redirection
« on: April 16, 2020, 12:44:12 pm »
Greetings, I sincerely hope you're all well under the circumstances.
For the life of me, I've got 2 (public) internet facing interfaces + 1 "LAN" interface and of course, "LAN" traffic is routed through the "WAN" interface. But for a few "LAN" hosts, I want to force traffic going out to the public internet to go through the second, "OPT1" public interface.
What I've tried so far, "firewall" -> "NAT" -> "Outbound" -> "hybrid mode" -> "manual rules" and then created a rule for each "LAN" ip address affected plus "interface" field and "NAT address" to "OPT1". Still, the "LAN" hosts report to have public addresses of the "WAN" interface, not the "OPT1" one.
Much appreciated if you drop me a line. Long live OPNSENSE! Thank you.
For the life of me, I've got 2 (public) internet facing interfaces + 1 "LAN" interface and of course, "LAN" traffic is routed through the "WAN" interface. But for a few "LAN" hosts, I want to force traffic going out to the public internet to go through the second, "OPT1" public interface.
What I've tried so far, "firewall" -> "NAT" -> "Outbound" -> "hybrid mode" -> "manual rules" and then created a rule for each "LAN" ip address affected plus "interface" field and "NAT address" to "OPT1". Still, the "LAN" hosts report to have public addresses of the "WAN" interface, not the "OPT1" one.
Much appreciated if you drop me a line. Long live OPNSENSE! Thank you.