Question about documentation

Started by Evil3eaver, February 17, 2015, 04:52:12 PM

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I've just installed OPNSense without past experience with m0n0wall or Pfsense and I was curious if there is any documentation on how to setup common tasks. Could I assume any of the guides that exist with Pfsense are applicable to OPNSense or is there documentation on the way? Can I help with any of this?(caveat: I work full time, the employer is sending me on all kinds of certs and have young children = I may not have the ability to deliver regularly or adhere to time-lines ).



That is safe to assume, yes. I've just recently acquired the first pfSense book and it still seems to fit quite well although the screenshots are outdated. :)

We'd love to take anyone up on the offer to help extend the wiki/online documentation. We just have to route the permissions through to your account. Jos or Ad are the appropriate people to talk to regarding this.


I've got a pfsense guide and I will try to replicate it (also validating that the naming convention and features are there) with updated screen shots for a start. I will provide this to you when I've completed it. Hopefully my kids give me a couple of hours throughout the day.

I've been a long time user of consumer grade router and relied on them for natting and firewall.

However recently I realize I needed more beefy product.

I've installed pfSense on a old PC and it seems to be working great.

So really what I'm asking is where is the guide for the novice and the user that need to be guided.

Also one of the main reasons I went with pfSense is that I want to use a vpn and route all my traffic thru.

Is OPNsense capable of doing that.

Yes, Flat4, it is. We are a fork of pfSense so what you can achieve with OPNsense you can achieve with pfSense and vice versa. That might change in a year, but even then both projects will cover a broad range of networking applications just by being in the same domain. ;)

March 19, 2015, 05:34:44 PM #5 Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 05:59:31 PM by chol
Quote from: franco on February 17, 2015, 11:27:33 PM

We'd love to take anyone up on the offer to help extend the wiki/online documentation. We just have to route the permissions through to your account. Jos or Ad are the appropriate people to talk to regarding this.


Would love to help to create a good docu til 15.7 :)

Great to hear that there are people out there willing to do this extremly importent documentation / wiki work! This is so important as opnsense community grows so fast!

Keep on guys!

March 20, 2015, 10:09:54 AM #7 Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 05:37:37 PM by chol
Quote from: ristridin on March 19, 2015, 08:05:24 PM
.. extremly importent documentation / wiki work! This is so important ..

Keep on guys!

Thank you !


I just saw your message and I'm kind of afraid your email got lost somewhere over here if you didn't get a reaction... can you send me the email ? ( ad at )

We really appreciate help writing documentation, our main focus at the moment is getting the framework in place  (/documented on the curious development pages  ;) , but that's mainly my thing), cleaning up code and fixing legacy code.... lots of work to do.



March 22, 2015, 02:32:04 AM #9 Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 05:38:22 PM by chol
Thank you! Sent you an email!

March 23, 2015, 06:01:04 PM #10 Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 05:40:23 PM by chol
Quote from: ristridin on March 19, 2015, 08:05:24 PM
Keep on guys!
I did the main page so far!

I really like what you've done to the wiki so far! Thanks for supporting the project.
Great work!