System | Access | Users displays only the "GUI" category

Started by richardm, August 30, 2018, 12:18:27 AM

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My apologies if this is a known issue with a known fix.  I searched and couldn't find anything.

Under System: Access: Users I am trying to assign VPN privs to a new user account.  On this page, only the GUI category is displayed.  Should there be other privs from additional categories in the list?

Did you find an answer to this?  I can only guess it has moved but I have no idea where.

Never did.  I'll try again soon with 18.7 and try to remember to post here.

I am running 18.7 and having the same issue as to where I activate the user.

There is no User VPN privilege anymore. It works as is. If you want to restrict to a particular group of users use:

VPN: IPsec: Mobile Clients: Enforce local group

... or ...

VPN: OpenVPN: Server: (Your server instance): Enforce local group

This setting only works with local authentication, the same as how User VPN privileges worked.
