Wrong username or password after upgrade

Started by G, August 26, 2018, 09:58:17 AM

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I've upgraded 2 members of a cluster yesterday.
Backup member upgraded OK, but after upgraded master, I can't login back on ssh or webgui.
Any ideas on how to recover from this?
I've rebooted it several times hoping it will load properly, but I see no error messages.
This is what i get on the syslog:
<11>Aug 26 08:56:50 opnsense: /index.php: Web GUI authentication error for 'USERNAME' from

I hope you have substituted 'USERNAME' with the actual username?

Do you have physical access to the machine - and if so, is the console menu accessible or did you protect it with a password?

It's a VM, ssh access is protected  and VT is off.

As mentioned on another post, solved with the password reset option from the iso.