Archive > 15.7 Legacy Series

[SOLVED] Backup/Restore always reboots after a restore with shellcmd

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I'm trying to manage the options loaded on my oce interface. I didn't find a way to do it correcty. So I used shellcmd. I downloaded a backup of my configuration, added the shellcmd line and reboot.

But since, I always have the message if I go to the backup/restore page (and the firewall automatically reboots) :

The firewall configuration has been changed. The firewall is now rebooting.

What can I do to avoid this strange behaviour ?

I removed the shellcmd instructions

I removed the file /var/run/restore.dirty

I backup again my firewall and the config file seems to be okay and valid.

I'm not sure if it's the good solution.

We can't provide support for custom shell scripts that we don't see. It also prevents us from putting in real fixes for use cases we haven't covered yet. If you can, please provide more info when posting bugs.

I tried to use the shellmd to manage the options loads on my interface on boot

--- Code: --- <shellcmd>ifconfig oce0 -tso -tso4 -tso6 -lro -hwvlanfilter</shellcmd>
--- End code ---

But it does not work and I was stuck with this message on the backup /restore page

Ah! <shellcmd/> was removed prior to our first 15.1 release. We do not like arbitrary code execution and the config trouble you see is probably natural as we only accept a well-formed and known XML.

The system always reboots after a restore for safety reasons.

"System: Settings: Networking" can disable oce(4) TSO and LRO for you.

The code tries to enable "vlanhwfilter" (not "hwvlanfilter") by default. Not sure this causes a problem?



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