Archive > 18.1 Legacy Series

Unbound DNS - Domain Override stops working


Yesterday I updated the firmware to version 18.1.10 (unfortunately I do not know which version I had before, I think 18.1.7).

Since the update I have a problem with Unbound DNS. I have entered a local DNS server under domain overrides. After restarting the service, local DNS names are resolved without any problem. However, this only works for about 14-15 minutes. After that it doesn't work anymore and the log (Log Level 3) says:

--- Code: ---unbound: [70186: 0] debug: return error response SERVFAIL
--- End code ---

When I restart Unboud DNS it will work again for a short time.

I have searched the internet but have not found any similar problems. Does anyone have an idea?

Thanks for any feedback!

I just finished some tests where I downgraded the package version of Unbound step-by-step. The first version that works for me is the one shipped with OPNsense 18.1.8 which is Unbound version 1.6.8_2.

I used the following command:

--- Code: ---opnsense-revert -r 18.1.8 unbound
--- End code ---

The problem seems to be fixed in OPNsense version 18.1.11 which ships with Unbound version 1.7.3


I have the same issue here but running 18.7.10 with unbound 1.8.3.

Did you made any other change while  troubleshooting?



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