Update telegraf package

Started by mbosner, May 10, 2018, 01:15:44 PM

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Currently features like ping metrics from the telegraf plugin are more or less useless since rtt etc. is skipped in the reporting (to influxdb or others).

Telegraf 1.3.1 was releases on 2017-05-31. A more recent version in the package system would be great :)


This is the version the plugin, not the package.
What features are you missing?

Sorry for my late reply.

My mistake - its 1.6.3

I am missing the ping rtt etc. on opnsense i get:

# telegraf --config telegraf.conf --input-filter ping --test
* Plugin: inputs.ping, Collection 1
> ping,host=router.hamburg.test.de,url= result_code=0i 1527814612000000000
> ping,host=router.hamburg.test.de,url=heise.de result_code=0i 1527814612000000000

But it should be something like:

$ ./telegraf --config telegraf.conf --input-filter ping --test
* Plugin: ping, Collection 1
ping,host=WIN-PBAPLP511R7,url=www.google.com result_code=0i,average_response_ms=7i,maximum_response_ms=9i,minimum_response_ms=7i,packets_received=4i,packets_transmitted=4i,percent_packet_loss=0,percent_reply_loss=0,reply_received=4i 1469879119000000000

Perhaps this is a feature lack of the freebsd pkg from telegraf? There's no option for RTT so I don't think it's a problem with OPNsense itself.

Yes, we had 1.6.1 pre-18.1.9, but now it's 1.6.3.

We don't control the process for FreeBSD inclusion on a lot of software we use, mostly because capable individuals run these shows and we are happy consumers. Occasionally, this means package updates are delayed.


ok thank you.

Can you point me to the direction where i can find the source ? Seems that i am too ...


i missed the point when they started building freebsd builds.

thank you


Ok - it should be fixed in 1.70. I will check the nightly build tomorrow.


Its fixed in 1.70 nightly. Cheers :)

Mind if I ask a newb question?  This isn't showing up when I check for Update?  How do I/can I force it to install?  I'm trying to figure out how to get this to work.

You need to wait for opnsense to release a new version with 1.70 onboard.

If you want to test it install the package from opnsense and replace the binary with the one from the nighly build:


You mean 1.7.0 ? It's currently release candidate so there is no release yet from upstream.


Sorry for the late reply.

Yes, I was talking about 1.7.0. In the meantime they released 1.7.0 (2018-06-12 - the day of your last post - just some hours later ;) and 1.7.1 .

Thank you

FreeBSD ports doesn't seem to pick it up. I'll try to prod the maintainer.
