Archive > 15.7 Legacy Series

[SOLVED] Help with Guest WiFi & DNS


Hi all, I'm new at configuring a more professional firewall than what an off-the-shelf router offers.  I must be missing something simple.

I have OPNsense running great as my firewall, WAN/LAN interfaces.  Today, I wanted to use the builtin wireless card (OPT1) to create a guest WAP along with DHCP service on that interface.

Everything works except that DNS on that interface will not resolve anything. Going to the numeric IP address of anything works great. I tried letting it use the default DNS as well as manually entering Google's DNS servers. Nothing.

I've allowed "any" to "any" on that interface to get it up and running, so I don't think it is blocking DNS.  I do plan to lock it down later and use the captive portal.

I'm just stuck.  :(

Please disregard. My IP6 rule was fine, but I had left my IP4 allow rule to TCP, not "any".

Sorry, I did not wake up fast enough. Glad to see this solved. :)

PS: First problem report for 15.7!


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