[SOLVED] how do I install 18.1?

Started by 0rland0, April 15, 2018, 11:03:40 PM

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April 15, 2018, 11:03:40 PM Last Edit: April 26, 2018, 01:40:32 PM by franco

Per following the guide on:


by downloading the OPNsense-18.1-OpenSSL-dvd-amd64.iso.bz2 image.
The checksum veriries OK, the resulting dvd boots, but I can not logon as the
user installer using the password opnsense
There might be some secret trick that I am not aware of but getting away from
that other freebsd based firewall is very hard if someone could not be as
kind as to give me some insights upon how to get around this monumental
problem of mine.

Yours most kindly,

That should be correct, make sure you don't have cap lock on.

I have the same exact issue when booting from DVD. I also see that some files are failing to load. All works well when I boot from USB. I am currently using a usb DVD. I was able to install from usb without a problem.

Thanks everybody for their advise. Unfortunately I have not been able to boot any
of the usb related images on my computer. BTW the caps lock has not in the way for
me in this particular case, and I have also some missing things popping up during
my DVD boot, but as a newbie with opnsense I did not know if that was in its order
or not.
All the best,

Will you show us a screen shot or photo of the login prompt so we can more clearly assess the situation?

Ideally there are no build errors/missing files, it would indicate the image write was truncated.



I will be happy to do that Franco.

As a matter of the fact, I tried to logon as root and run a command
called something like "opnsense-install" which neihter gave me any
output, nor showed me any other signs of activity.

I will get on with trying to dig out the suggested information tonight.

All the best,

Maybe there is a misunderstanding here... e.g. when you start off with the "Nano" image, it is meant to be a working image, not an installer, so only "root" login works, not "installer".

The command for the installer is (for consistency):

# opnsense-installer


Dear Franco,

unfortunately no, it's not the nano image, and I tried to run opensense-installer as root with no luck. It seemingly did nothing for 15-30 minutes; I do not remember exactly how long my patience lasted that particular time.
I will record the error messages during boot and provide a more detailed report on what is happening when I try to install. Regrettably I did not have time for that tonight. My first impression was that there might have been a slight update, somewhere in the procedures, that had yet to be documented, in the install guide. But from the writings in this thread, it seems to me that there is something bigger going on.

I have been perusing the opnsense web site for many years, and I have even made a few attempts to try it out, but as that other bsd based firewall has been able to satisfy my needs mostly, I have not been in a hurry to switch. But as they are going on to a path of not supporting my kind of hardware, any longer, I really do need to dive into this new and more open, but still sense-full firewall experience.



After that the computer tries to mount root it reports:

Trying to mount root from cd9660:/dev/iso9660/OPNSENSE_INSTALL [ro]...
Mounting filesystems...
mount_cd9660: -o force: option not supported
fsck: exec fsck_cd9660 for /dev/iso9660/OPNSENSE_INSTALL in /sbin:/usr/sbin no
such file or directory
fsck: exec fsck_cd9660 for /dev/iso9660/OPNSENSE_INSTALL in /sbin:/usr/sbin no
such file or directory

Then later, when boot is finished I can read a few other worrying messages:

pid 327 (python2.7), uid 0: exited on signal 10
Bus error
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/configd: Warning: failed to start configd
>>> Error in early script 'configd'
>>> Invoking early script 'php'
Configuring PHP: configd not running!
>>> Error in early script 'php'
>>> Invoking early script 'backup'
Launching the init system...pid ??? (php), uid 0: exited on signal 10
Bus Error

FreeBSD/amd64 (Amnesiac) (ttyv0)

login: install
Password: opnsense
Login incorrect

Unfortunately I could not enclose any pictures since they are to large, but I have transcribed
the messages above.

The password on the third line from the bottom did ofcourse not show up on screen but here
it is for anyone to correct if wrong password is the reason for my failures.

BTW it fhtat concerns anyone, just for the sake curiosity, I tried the serial image on a CF
card in another firewall to see if it boots. Indeed it did boot, but since that 'wall already works and
-normally- is occupied doing routing things around, I did not do anything more complex there.

Yours most kindly,

It looks like your dvd write was truncated or the dvd could not be read correctly / is damaged / drive is malfunctioning.

As soon as there are missing files it's game over.



I did test the DVD on another computer and everything was read without an error.
Then I changed reader in the firewall computer and tried again. The first error messages was
still there, but the error messages right before the login prompt wasn't. But I still failed to login
as "install", but your encouragement made me check /etc/passwd and those with two eyes good
enough to read with could see that using "installer" instead of "install" was much more a likely
success story. Hence I am now up and running with the full opnsense experience.

Thank you very much,

Hi 0rland0,

Glad to hear. Yay. 8)


I had same issue when I allocate memory to VM less than 1GB.  :-[

Quotea minimum of 1GB memory is needed for the installer to run.