plugin os-frr seems to make ospf config readonly

Started by PaulC, March 20, 2018, 04:44:56 PM

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i'm trying to make an ospf router, but there is somthing strange about the frr module, tryed it on 6 VM's and this is what i'm finding:
clean install 18.1, i add plugin os-frr. now i can enable routing in routing-general, and under routing-ospf-general. when i touch networks under ospf no reponce. then i update to 18.1.4, now i can fill in networks and interface under routing-ospf. works. That was last modification possible, now everyting is readonly.
if i try it different, install 18.1, plugin os-frr, upgrade to 18.1.4, then try configure routing-general, noway i can modify anything under routing, it's already readonly, nothing gets saved.

Is this a know bug?
where can i edit the files from shell, so i can make changes to my config?

SSH into your OPNsense box, then select Option 8 (Shell). From there, type 'vtysh'. This will drop you into the FRR shell.