Telegraf input/output

Started by JL, March 03, 2018, 09:27:22 AM

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I'm looking to have Telegraf output from opnsense. Not just for system monitoring but also for suricate monitoring, is this available in the current setup of Telegraf or is extra work required ? If need be i could provide extra hands here i figure.

Can you post the config part for Telegraf? Then I will add IT to the plugin

I'm not sure what you are asking here, just yet :)

Currently i have a makeshift influxdb running and output from opnsense is visible.

can you detail how you do that? I'm also interested to push data from Suricata to influxdb
btw: does anyone use a "standard" grafana dashboard for opnsense already?
DEC750 Deciso

Quote from: nikkon on March 31, 2018, 12:20:00 AM
can you detail how you do that? I'm also interested to push data from Suricata to influxdb
btw: does anyone use a "standard" grafana dashboard for opnsense already?
I don't know if this is what you're after but here's a link I found during a recent search:


Thank you for sharing

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DEC750 Deciso