OPNsense User Manual - Setup Traffic Shaping Question

Started by tibere86, January 24, 2018, 03:08:38 PM

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First time posting here in the forums. I'm in the process of transitioning my home and work firewalls from the dark side to OPNsense, and in preparation, I have been reading the posted OPNsense user manual https://docs.opnsense.org/manual.html.
In the SETUP TRAFFIC SHAPING > SHARE BANDWIDTH EVENLY section, in the example on how to setup the upload pipe, the mask is shown set to "destination". Shouldn't the mask be set to "source" as this is upload pipe?

I'm not sure why it's called destination/source for mask, maybe a placeholder, cause it means something different like intuitively you would expect.
Mask defines how a given bandwith will affect clients and not their direction.

Destination means share the total bandwidth of this pipe among all connected clients.
Source means provide all connected clients up to a maximum of this pipe configured bandwidth

Quote from: Ladeschale on March 17, 2018, 01:16:55 AM
I'm not sure why it's called destination/source for mask, maybe a placeholder, cause it means something different like intuitively you would expect.
Mask defines how a given bandwith will affect clients and not their direction.

Destination means share the total bandwidth of this pipe among all connected clients.
Source means provide all connected clients up to a maximum of this pipe configured bandwidth
I was always wondering this myself.
So to be clear @Ladeschale , masks on both download and upload pipes should be set to "Destination" if we want to evenly share the available bandwidth among connected devices within each pipe?

No, just check the updated help texts for masks in pipe and queue, they are explaining it very well.

Quote from: mimugmail on April 27, 2018, 03:09:05 PM
No, just check the updated help texts for masks in pipe and queue, they are explaining it very well.
I saw the updated explanations after updating OPNsense to 18.1.6. Thanks

May 16, 2018, 03:35:28 PM #6 Last Edit: May 16, 2018, 03:43:02 PM by hutiucip
So, do I understand correctly? There is no way to evenly share the given bandwidth using pipes, you would have to use (also) queues for evenly shared bandwidth? Secondly, if I want to evenly share a given available bandwidth AND, at the same time, no more than a particular bandwidth per client, I would have to use masks in BOTH the pipe(s) and the rule(s)? Mask in pipes would set the maximum bandwidth of a client, and the mask in queues would share it (or a larger one) evenly?

Thank you

LE> What happens if I use masks in both pipe and queue for a single rule? And, conversely, what is the effect of having two rules, one with a mask configured in pipe, and one with the mask configured in queue?

PS I think I need to further read the docs on FreeBSD traffic shaping, rules, and queues and pipes stuff. :)

I'm not sure why it's called destination / origin for masks, it might be a placeholder, as it means intuitively different than what you might expect.
Mask determines how a given band will affect customers and not their direction. Destination means sharing the total bandwidth of this pipe with all connected clients.The source means that all connected clients will not exceed the bandwidth this pipe is configured for.