[SOLVED] OPNsense V17.7.5 installation on APU2

Started by mossi2000, November 12, 2017, 05:44:24 PM

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Quote from: tillsense on November 30, 2017, 07:39:58 PM


can you confirm that repeatedly? Would be really good news. I've been targeting xHCI for a while.
> https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=6024.0

cheers till
I read the thread you mentioned...
The guy that was unable to boot from USB seems to have a different problem.
I had the latest BIOS installed, from an 8 GB  USB 2.0 stick with Tinycore 6.04 ???
All my previous installations booted, but failed when copying as installer from the stick to the SSD.

The first instalaltion that worked was via Tinycore boot and dd the USB nano image via bunzip | dd
After that making configurations via the GUI quickly hang when writing to the SSD...
As  soon as Ihad added the linesto devices.hints, the hangs and the messages on the console no longer appeared.
Yesterday I retried with a USB 3 stick because preparing the ytick is so much faster!
And I tried both USB interfaces and both failed until the stick could be booted with the "hinted " system.
Afzer that USB 3 stick on USB 3 port installed without problem.

I'll check tomorow night if it will solve the

WARNING - Timeout at ehci_wait_td:517!
ehci pipe=0x000eee80 cur=000efdc0 tok=801f0c81 next=1 td=0x0000fdc0 status=1f0c80
USB transmission failed

problem which appeared on the two APU 1C4 I've from a client. Tried it four times since tuesday, upon first reboot the above error stop's the show.

All tested with OPNsense-17.7.5-OpenSSL-nano-amd64.img.bz2


Quote from: mircsicz on December 01, 2017, 01:09:05 AM
problem appeared on the two APU 1C4 I've from a client.

Ok, then there's a difference (HW/USB) between APU1 and APU2.
My APU2 does not suffer from any USB probs.


They're definitly different. APU2 has USB3, APU1 not...

Quote from: tillsense on November 30, 2017, 07:39:58 PM


can you confirm that repeatedly? Would be really good news. I've been targeting xHCI for a while.
> https://forum.opnsense.org/index.php?topic=6024.0

cheers till


This is happening to me now after upgrading from 17* to 18.1.6. Even a fresh USB reinstall I have the issue. Adding hint.ahci.0.msi="0"
did not work..