Traffic Shaper - Upload Ignored

Started by Simon, August 23, 2017, 05:19:20 PM

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version 17.7
Having configured the TRafic Shaper, Pipes then Rules and appliied on both
I then did a speedtest
The download speed is nearly exact to the instruction in the Traffic Shape Rule
However The Upload speed seems to be ignored and just runs at full speed what ever
I change it to or prioritize it as, Any ideas?
I read somewhere (cant remember where), that there is an issue with FreeBSD itself reporting the upload speed.
Is this the case ?
If so anyone know when there will be a fix?
Many Thanks

Hi Simon

I have faced with similar issues while the GATEWAY is no set to default, if I set any static gateway or a multiwan gateway to the interface on which traffic shaper is applied, then the upload stops working and pushes the whole bandwidth.

Admin, need some help on this please! :)

Hi there,

A classic case of Firewall: Settings: Advanced, enabling "shared forwarding".


Hi Franco

I am using OPNsense 16.7, not showing any option 'shared forwarding' in Firewall->settings->advanced location!  :-[

September 14, 2017, 01:26:21 PM #4 Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 02:06:15 PM by franco
Shared forwarding was written for OPNsense 17.1 (FreeBSD 11.0) and later. It does not exist in 16.7 (FreeBSD 10.3). Time to update! :)


OUCH! Head Bump!!! Roger Franco!  :o