iptables... Each time you add or remove a rule, you need to reload it and will loose stated. iptables is a technology of the 1990s, released in 1998. If you jump an iptables firewall, nobody will notice, as most people don't really log.
Linux v.s. FreeBSD. FreeBSD networking and security design is way superior to Linux.I used both in production environments and I can confirm I now have a preference for FreeBSD.
Not true. Netfilter/iptables can add or remove one rule at a time. No need to reload at all. And this has been the case since the beginning. Also, I suspect most everyone logs, and standard log analysis tools have recipes to extract from those logs.
On the other and FreeBSD is less documented than Linux, so when you run into a question about the system behind OPNsense, you're not so likely to quickly find the answer through Google.
Do you think that virtualized OpnSense will be a bottleneck with 20mbps symmetrical connection?