Define multiple servers in OpenVPN client config

Started by werner, June 13, 2017, 12:21:37 PM

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I'm trying to figure out how to get multiple

remote tcp-client

lines in the autogenerated client config for OpenVPN.

I have two OpenVPN servers that cannot use CARP due to vCloud restrictions, the sync users, certificates, firewall rules etc so they can both be used. Using multiple remote lines in OpenVPN client config causes the client to use the backup server if the primary fails.

I just cannot figure out if this can be done using the GUI... Or is there any other way (override a template) to accomplish this ? There's just to many vpn users to manually fix each persons client config file :(

Best regards,


Ok, found a solution through the client export page: /vpn_openvpn_export.php, can add extra remote lines there.

Can add extra option lines in here. Only thing is it isn't possible to save settings there, at least I don't have a save button there. Is it supposed to be this way ?

Would be nicer if you could save those settings for future usage.