Probleme PPPOE Digi

Started by RaresV, February 06, 2025, 05:42:11 PM

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Sunt nou in lumea OPNSense si am o problema..

Datele problemei:
La locatie este doar convertor de fibra, fara router.
Conexiunea manuala pe pc cat si pe alt router functioneaza.
Daca leg OPNSense dupa un router TPLink si il setez cu dinamic ip merge normal.

Problema mea este ca nu reusesc nici cum sa fac conexiunea PPPOE sa functioneze in OPNSense.

Din ce reusesc eu sa-mi dau seama, nu primeste IP.

Am incercat tot ce am putut gasi pe internet...

Este oare cineva care foloseste PPPOE de la Digi si ma poate ajuta?

Multumesc anticipat! :)

I continue in this thread as I see that OPNsense users have problems with the digi wan

My configuration digi is from Spain and when updating to version 25.1 it lost the ease of connecting to the digi network, I made a clean installation and with it I lost the connectivity of OPNsense

I have made the configuration of the digi wan in the Vlan20 I have added to as dhcp both in IPv4 and IPv6 making a configuration from scratch cleaning problems like the ones that unbound gave blocking certain hosts necessary for some applications and that did not remove those locks.

the point-to-point section fills in the PPPOE data as username and password, leaving the provider when assigning the IP to make part of the settings when giving it automatically, but even if connectivity is not achieved

in these interfaces as can be seen it generates at least twice the same, that when assigning it is not well known which is which, but leaves the rest of the networks without connectivity

Can anyone tell me how this equipment can be recovered so that it continues to work as it was previously doing?