[SOLVED] HAproxy suddenly stopped working!!

Started by NW4FUN, November 28, 2024, 12:48:18 PM

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November 28, 2024, 12:48:18 PM Last Edit: November 28, 2024, 01:57:05 PM by NW4FUN
For the life of me I cannot get around this...

OUT OF THE BLUE, HAproxy simply stopped working and all my services are unaccessible now.

I haven't changed my configuration for the last 2 years at least and just like that, this morning, it stopped redirecting traffic.

What makes it even more bizzarre is that the only URL that accepts is the one that takes to OPNsense itself.

After having checked the entire configuration from ZERO, I'm at a dead end. Any ideas?

SOLVED: It was Cloudflare DNS record that despite being logged as updated, in fact did not update the public IP for some reason.