upgrade to 24.7.4 worked perfectly

Started by OzziGoblin, September 13, 2024, 08:00:35 AM

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thanks team, the upgrade to 24.7.4 went smoothly no issues on barebones hardware.
Having a snapshot to fall back to made it less stressful.

Great work.

September 13, 2024, 04:41:34 PM #2 Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 05:37:02 PM by rizzeaux
I appreciate the new updates for 24.7.4. Looks and functions great. The new dashboard is beginning to grow on me. Thanks to all who made this project what it is today.

Whole new GUI or just new dashboard? Did you use something else before? Just curious :)


Not sure if just my geolocation (China) matters, the mirror https://dns-root.de/ seems down. Anyone can verify this ?

Thanks in advance

Same here, Upgrade went smooth and the new Snapshot function via GUI is superb (dont need to log via CLI anymore).

BTW the Microcode for intel N100 got updated as well!
Before was 0x17 the latest
Newest is 0x1a

Networking is love. You may hate it, but in the end, you always come back to it.

APU2D2 - deceased
N5105 - i226-V | Patriot 2x8G 3200 DDR4 | L 790 512G - VM HA(SOON)
N100   - i226-V | Crucial 16G  4800 DDR5 | S 980 500G - PROD

Quote from: franco on September 13, 2024, 09:46:23 PM
Whole new GUI or just new dashboard? Did you use something else before? Just curious :)


Correction, the new dashboard. I have used several other firewalls from many years ago such as smoothwall, astaro, sophos, and pfsense primarily. OPNsense outperforms the others, includes all the important features and only minor issues, and looks great.

Thanks for the clarification  8)


Same here. Upgrade went smooth with no errors or gremlins. I LOVE LOVE the snapshot feature and the peace of mind it provides during the upgrade process.
I really only have like 2 or 3 plugins installed besides the default opnsense firmware which makes it a lot less likely to act up during upgrades I think.

Smooth as silk. New Dashboard looks easy to customize.
As I have heard, this release was not easy and smooth as silk ;).

And that's exactly why: Many thanks to all developers and contributors!