***GOT REQUEST TO UPDATE***Currently running OPNsense 24.1.6 at Sun Jun 2 17:06:23 ACST 2024Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...OPNsense repository is up to date.Updating mimugmail repository catalogue...Waiting for another process to update repository mimugmailAll repositories are up to date.Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...OPNsense repository is up to date.Updating mimugmail repository catalogue...Waiting for another process to update repository mimugmailAll repositories are up to date.Checking for upgrades (42 candidates): .......... doneProcessing candidates (42 candidates): .......... doneThe following 92 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):New packages to be INSTALLED: py311-Babel: 2.14.0 [OPNsense] py311-Jinja2: 3.1.3 [OPNsense] py311-aioquic: 0.9.25 [OPNsense] py311-anyio: 4.3.0 [OPNsense] py311-async_generator: 1.10 [OPNsense] py311-attrs: 23.2.0 [OPNsense] py311-bottleneck: 1.3.8_1 [OPNsense] py311-certifi: 2024.2.2_1 [OPNsense] py311-cffi: 1.16.0 [OPNsense] py311-charset-normalizer: 3.3.2_1 [OPNsense] py311-cryptography: 42.0.7,1 [OPNsense] py311-dnspython: 2.6.1,1 [OPNsense] py311-duckdb: 0.10.3 [OPNsense] py311-h11: 0.14.0 [OPNsense] py311-h2: 4.1.0 [OPNsense] py311-hpack: 4.0.0 [OPNsense] py311-httpcore: 1.0.5 [OPNsense] py311-httpx: 0.27.0_1 [OPNsense] py311-hyperframe: 6.0.0 [OPNsense] py311-idna: 3.7 [OPNsense] py311-markupsafe: 2.1.5_1 [OPNsense] py311-netaddr: 1.2.1 [OPNsense] py311-numexpr: 2.9.0_1 [OPNsense] py311-numpy: 1.25.0_7,1 [OPNsense] py311-openssl: 23.2.0,1 [OPNsense] py311-outcome: 1.3.0_1 [OPNsense] py311-packaging: 24.0 [OPNsense] py311-pandas: 2.0.3_2,1 [OPNsense] py311-pyasn1: 0.6.0 [OPNsense] py311-pyasn1-modules: 0.4.0 [OPNsense] py311-pycparser: 2.22 [OPNsense] py311-pylsqpack: 0.3.18 [OPNsense] py311-pysocks: 1.7.1_1 [OPNsense] py311-python-dateutil: 2.9.0 [OPNsense] py311-pytz: 2024.1,1 [OPNsense] py311-requests: 2.31.0_1 [OPNsense] py311-service-identity: 23.1.0 [OPNsense] py311-setuptools: 63.1.0_1 [OPNsense] py311-six: 1.16.0 [OPNsense] py311-sniffio: 1.3.1 [OPNsense] py311-socksio: 1.0.0_1 [OPNsense] py311-sortedcontainers: 2.4.0 [OPNsense] py311-sqlite3: 3.11.9_7 [OPNsense] py311-trio: 0.25.1 [OPNsense] py311-tzdata: 2024.1 [OPNsense] py311-ujson: 5.9.0 [OPNsense] py311-urllib3: 1.26.18_1,1 [OPNsense] py311-vici: 5.9.11 [OPNsense] py311-yaml: 6.0.1 [OPNsense] python311: 3.11.9 [OPNsense]Installed packages to be UPGRADED: dhcrelay: 0.4 -> 0.5 [OPNsense] easy-rsa: 3.1.7 -> 3.2.0 [OPNsense] glib: 2.80.0,2 -> 2.80.2,2 [OPNsense] hyperscan: 5.4.0 -> 5.4.2 [OPNsense] libcjson: 1.7.17 -> 1.7.18 [OPNsense] libedit: 3.1.20230828_1,1 -> 3.1.20240517,1 [OPNsense] libffi: 3.4.4_1 -> 3.4.6 [OPNsense] libnghttp2: 1.61.0 -> 1.62.1 [OPNsense] libpfctl: 0.10 -> 0.11 [OPNsense] libpsl: 0.21.5 -> 0.21.5_1 [OPNsense] libsodium: 1.0.18 -> 1.0.19 [OPNsense] libucl: 0.9.1 -> 0.9.2 [OPNsense] libxml2: 2.11.7 -> 2.11.8 [OPNsense] lighttpd: 1.4.75 -> 1.4.76 [OPNsense] ntp: 4.2.8p17_2 -> 4.2.8p18 [OPNsense] openldap26-client: 2.6.7 -> 2.6.7_1 [OPNsense] openssl: 3.0.13_3,1 -> 3.0.13_4,1 [OPNsense] opnsense: 24.1.6 -> 24.1.8 [OPNsense] opnsense-update: 24.1.5_1 -> 24.1.8 [OPNsense] php82: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-ctype: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-curl: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-dom: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-filter: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-gettext: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-ldap: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-mbstring: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-pcntl: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-pdo: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-pecl-mcrypt: 1.0.6 -> 1.0.7 [OPNsense] php82-phalcon: 5.6.2 -> 5.7.0 [OPNsense] php82-session: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-simplexml: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-sockets: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-xml: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] php82-zlib: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense] strongswan: 5.9.13_1 -> 5.9.14 [OPNsense] suricata: 7.0.4 -> 7.0.5_1 [OPNsense] syslog-ng: 4.6.0_2 -> 4.7.1 [OPNsense] unbound: 1.19.3 -> 1.20.0_1 [OPNsense]Installed packages to be REINSTALLED: boost-libs-1.84.0 [OPNsense] (options changed) curl-8.7.1 [OPNsense] (options changed)Number of packages to be installed: 50Number of packages to be upgraded: 40Number of packages to be reinstalled: 2The process will require 511 MiB more space.124 MiB to be downloaded.[1/92] Fetching py311-sqlite3-3.11.9_7.pkg: ..... donepkg-static: py311-sqlite3-3.11.9_7 failed checksum from repositoryStarting web GUI...done.Generating RRD graphs...done.***DONE***
the "drastic" approach- backup the config and save it in a safe place- reformat and build from scrath with a "standard installation"- update with the most basic config to just have internnet connectivity- import your config- reinstall needed pluginsmaybe faster than headaches understanding whats wrong
have a read of $man opnsense-bootstrapmight be of use BUT have a backup before running #opnsense-bootstrap