From scratch Setup usb problem

Started by tsystem, May 14, 2024, 10:58:19 PM

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It' make me crasy  :o
I'm trying to setup last 24.1 from an usb stick using this image OPNsense-24.1-vga-amd64.img and rufus to generate the stick from a windows session.
usb creation : ok
boot start fine and after some second starup hang on a loop on a strange usb problem mounting and unmounting my source drive and i got an error that could not allocate new device.

I've try :
- multiple usb device
- all usb port available on motherboard
- run set"10000" @ boot screen menu prompt
... arrrrg

please see attached image for full detai lon the looping error

Configuration is :
mb: b760M PG Lightning/D4
nic: dual intel x540-t2
vc: nvidia Geforce GT710 (only to disable secure boot that can not be diseable with integrated video card)

If you have an idea it' will be great , thanks by advance

BIOS update maybe?

It looks related to USB and if you have multiple sticks (of different varieties) tested that leaves odd behaviour of the hardware itself.


Are you connecting the USB drive to a USB 3.x or USB 2.0 port? I'd try it in a USB 2.0 port and see if that helps.

Do any other OS boot from one of those flash drives? You could make a Ventoy bootable and drop the vga image into that, as well as drop a general purpose Linux live disk and maybe a Windows recovery disk just to have other things you can test USB boot with. I'd also add a BSD 13.2 or 13.3 iso and try booting it, I'm guessing the problem is with the USB drivers in BSD. You could also try booting Truenas Core installer which is also BSD, it just shows common trends that might help figure out where/why it is failing.

Once the secure boot is turned off, can you remove the video card and use the on chip GPU for your output?

Hello, and thanks for the 1st feedbacks guys ;)

@Franco : bios updated to last stable version ( from April) and already tested with multiple sticks varieties and brandmark but i've another phillips that i can try... let's see

@Greg_E :  tested on each ports : usb2 / usb 3 / and also the usb for keyboard
i don't know ventoy, i'll try in the next minutes !

and about the gpu: no, i can't, if i remove card i can't not boot anymore without reseting bios or put graphic card again...

Thanks again next news incomming after tests

With Ventoy, grab the CD ISO file as well, I don't remember which file I used when I installed mine. I was having a bunch of problems with a keyboard  issue on my hardware, that I forget exactly which image I used, and whether it was from Ventoy or a Rufus "burned" image.


It was very long ...  but it's not better  :'( still have a problem
got problem with an usb stick so i have reset all setting, format all devices to start from nowhere en crossing finder

Process of test: try booting from from usb port and back usb port for each test
(real test order)

1-Ubuntu live 22.04.03  :    front >> can't boot   //   back >> working fine

2-windows 11 :    front & back >> setup start but i got a problem specifing the configuration is not matching win 11 requirement
(... TPM)
3-enabling security boot in the bios

4-windows 11 :    front & back >> same result ;o(

5-rety OpnSense 24.1 (with reset bios) :   front & back >> stop at invalid signature, check secure boot policy... i can't boot, i can't reach again the problem i have before

6-Ventoy : same result on fron & back for all test
6.1-first start : got an security error
6.2 enrolling key from disk to ENROLL_****.cer
6.3 reboot >> got the Ventoy interface
6.4 BSD 13.2 :  same problem than previuosly than with opensense setup : Mounting from ufs:/dev/ufs/FreeBSD_Install failled with error 19 (attached file)
6.5 BSD 13.3 : same problem
6.6 TrueNas : can not got more that a little square on the top left corner just after menu selection ( attached image too)

it make me crasy, if you can an other idea ?  :-[

Thanks by advance

Quote from: tsystem on May 16, 2024, 11:53:44 PM
3-enabling security boot in the bios
5-rety OpnSense 24.1 (with reset bios) :   front & back >> stop at invalid signature, check secure boot policy... i can't boot, i can't reach again the problem i have before

6-Ventoy : same result on fron & back for all test
6.1-first start : got an security error
6.2 enrolling key from disk to ENROLL_****.cer

It seems with action 3 you have now set the BIOS, or rather EFI on the motherboard, to use secure boot.
After that, you can only use signed OSes kernels.
Go back and disable that, and you are back where you started and can continue your tests. Right now is "worse".


Thanks for all your answers, it' working fine with only reset bios / add graphic card and disable secure boot !
After Install i can also remove the graphic card and boot directly on the onboard gpu without anymore problem.

It's look it's an asrock problem to need to have an external graphic card to disable secure boot

Thanks again for your help ! ;)