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IPv6 Problem mit o2 DSL
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Topic: IPv6 Problem mit o2 DSL (Read 613 times)
Posts: 2
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IPv6 Problem mit o2 DSL
March 09, 2024, 03:30:40 am »
ich bin letzte Tage von einer Fritzbox umgestiegen auf OPNsense mit Draytek 167er Modem.
Ich bekomme mit OPNsense problemlos eine PPPoE Verbindung hin, jedoch nur IPv4. Wenn ich PPPoEv6 mit aktiviere, bezieht er zwar laut Dashboard ein IPv6 Gateway, aber keine IPv6 IP auf dem WAN Interface, so dass ich auf dem LAN Interface kein Track IPv6 Interface auswählen kann.
Auch die diversen IPv6 Test-Websites zeigen an, dass kein IPV6 aktiv ist. Mit der Fritzbox ging das.
2024-03-09T03:28:52 Informational ppp [wan] 93.131.xxx.xxx -> 62.52..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:52 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerUp
2024-03-09T03:28:52 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Ack-Rcvd --> Opened
2024-03-09T03:28:52 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 62.52..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:52 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigAck #2
2024-03-09T03:28:52 Informational ppp [wan] 62.52..xxx.xxx is OK
2024-03-09T03:28:52 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 62.52..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:52 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Request #2 (Ack-Rcvd)
2024-03-09T03:28:51 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Rcvd
2024-03-09T03:28:51 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS 62.109..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:51 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS 62.109..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:51 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 93.131..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:51 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Ack #4 (Req-Sent)
2024-03-09T03:28:51 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS 62.109..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:51 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS 62.109..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:51 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 93.131..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:51 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #4
2024-03-09T03:28:51 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Ack-Rcvd --> Req-Sent
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Rcvd
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS 62.109..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS 62.109..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 93.131..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Ack #3 (Req-Sent)
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS 62.109..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS 62.109..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 93.131..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #3
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS 62.109..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS 62.109..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] 93.131..xxx.xxx is OK
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR 93.131..xxx.xxx
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Nak #2 (Req-Sent)
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Rename interface ng0 to pppoe0
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IFACE: Up event
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] 0076:c6ff:xxxx:xxxx -> 2a31:52ff:xxxx:xxxx
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: LayerUp
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: rec'd Configure Ack #1 (Ack-Sent)
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #2
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: rec'd Configure Reject #1 (Req-Sent)
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: SendConfigAck #1
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: rec'd Configure Request #1 (Req-Sent)
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: SendConfigReq #1
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: Up event
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] SECDNS
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] PRIDNS
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] COMPPROTO VJCOMP, 16 comp. channels, no comp-cid
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPADDR
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: SendConfigReq #1
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Up event
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: LayerStart
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: state change Initial --> Starting
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPV6CP: Open event
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: LayerStart
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: state change Initial --> Starting
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] IPCP: Open event
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: Status update: up 1 link, total bandwidth 64000 bps
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: Join bundle "wan"
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: Matched action 'bundle "wan" ""'
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: authorization successful
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MESG: Accepted.
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PAP: rec'd ACK #1 len: 14
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] rec'd proto IPCP during authenticate phase
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerUp
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PAP: sending REQUEST #1 len: 46
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PAP: using authname "DSLxxxxxxxxxxx@s93.bbi-o2.de"
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: auth: peer wants PAP, I want nothing
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0xe3810790
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PROTOCOMP
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #1 (Ack-Sent)
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Req-Sent --> Ack-Sent
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x7e47646c
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO PAP
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigAck #64
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0x7e47646c
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] AUTHPROTO PAP
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #64 (Req-Sent)
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MAGICNUM 0xe3810790
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] MRU 1492
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PROTOCOMP
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: SendConfigReq #1
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Up event
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: UP event
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: connection successful
2024-03-09T03:28:49 Informational ppp PPPoE: rec'd ACNAME "BCTJ00"
2024-03-09T03:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
2024-03-09T03:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: LayerStart
2024-03-09T03:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: state change Initial --> Starting
2024-03-09T03:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] LCP: Open event
2024-03-09T03:28:48 Informational ppp [wan_link0] Link: OPEN event
2024-03-09T03:28:48 Informational ppp [wan] Bundle: Interface ng0 created
Last Edit: March 09, 2024, 03:33:23 am by uffel82
Posts: 2
Karma: 0
Re: IPv6 Problem mit o2 DSL
Reply #1 on:
March 09, 2024, 02:42:25 pm »
Ich konnte das Problem lösen.
- von PPPoEv6 auf DHCPv6 umgestellt
- Request only an IPv6 prefix - aktiv
- Prefix delegation size - 56
- Send IPv6 prefix hint - aktiv
- Use IPv4 connectivity - aktiv
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IPv6 Problem mit o2 DSL