!!! One server per interface, there's no way around it !!!If you want to run KEA on an interface you need to disable ISC DHCP first on that interface
root@opnsense:~ # sockstat -4l -p 67USER COMMAND PID FD PROTO LOCAL ADDRESS FOREIGN ADDRESSdhcpd dhcpd 61078 13 udp4 *:67 *:*root kea-dhcp4 964 14 udp4 *:*root kea-dhcp4 964 16 udp4 *:*root kea-dhcp4 964 18 udp4 *:*root kea-dhcp4 964 20 udp4 *:*
Here's the situation you have even if you are able to start both servicesCode: [Select]root@opnsense:~ # sockstat -4l -p 67USER COMMAND PID FD PROTO LOCAL ADDRESS FOREIGN ADDRESSdhcpd dhcpd 61078 13 udp4 *:67 *:*root kea-dhcp4 964 14 udp4 *:*root kea-dhcp4 964 16 udp4 *:*root kea-dhcp4 964 18 udp4 *:*root kea-dhcp4 964 20 udp4 *:*As you can see, this will not work. ISC always bind to *:67 whatever you do. They cannot co-exists.
Thanks. I guess during opnsense kea and isc configuration the client needs to have a static ip address and then switch later to a dynamic dhcp to verify that kea is being a dhcp server. Am I correct?
It seems to me this is still an unresolved issue. I have disabled ISC on all but one interface and migrated the rest to Kea. For this to work, I found I had to stop ISC entirely, restart Kea, then restart ISC. Otherwise, the Kea log reports "Address already in use - is another DHCP server running?" errors. If I then have to reboot opnsense (e.g. after firmware updates), it seems ISC will start before Kea and I will not have DHCP servers active on any of the interfaces except the one that I still have on ISC (Kea will report "address already in use" for the other interfaces).Is the intent for now to support running ISC on some interfaces and Kea on others or are uses expected to migrate all interfaces to Kea?